CHICANO DE AZTLAN profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

hI like Chorizo Sandwiches look at that... fine Chicano cuisine!
myspace layouts - GENERATE YOUR OWN WORLDMAP NOW!Bean and Cheese Burritos are also da shit!!! or Chili Cheese Fries!!!!In the last couple of munfs ive traveled all over from sea to shining sea. I will post pictures later. As for right now just take my word for it. Hopefully within a month I will be back home in Sur CalifAztlan in the valle 818!!!!I am named after El Che, and Mexicano teacher/guerrillero Genaro Vasquez Rojas and my dad. I was born into the movimiento Chicano. I grew up seeing alot of stuff and having a political and social consciouss from the early daze. Getting in trouble at school with my cousins and friends was always the best, arguing with a teacher about history was fun in Elementary. It was also fun to organize rock fights and "rumbles" good thing nobody ever got seriously hurt. I liked music and art especially graff also at an early age also. The love and enthusiasm for graff has gotten me in serious trouble with the authorities, thankfully they dropped the charges!!:) ha ha! Im the kind of guy that likes to kick it with his buddies. I like reading, I love hearing music, as you can tell I love the Blues and Classic Rock. I just think its such an elevated expression of the human talent and spirit that can be achieved.divine... Little Wing-SRV the song to end all songs...Im a lifelong member of La Raza Unida, and a long time member of M.E.Ch.A Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan. I think life is to short and the state of our Earth Mother and all life on it is in great danger from total destruction. The greatest enemy to life as we know it is the United States Government that holds the world in a desperate grip, trying to maintain the destructive economic system of Capitalism. As Chicanos I believe that a great responsobility falls upon our shoulders. We are the largest grouping of Native American people that have a legitimate claim a historical connection to the land mass where this threat is born of. We must get organized and put aside PETTY DIFFERENCES and struggle for the national liberation of our people. The liberation of OUR country, because in the end any advancement by our movimiento will be an advancement for all peoples not only Chicanos/Indigenous peoples. What we call Aztlan cannot only be something we talk about when amongst friends. We need to organize and give that example to the rest of our people and the world that we are serious about BUILDING our Nation.! div

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People that are serious about building a strong movement that will teach Unkkkle Sam a thing or two about a thing or two, especially and in particular RAZA that are interested in seriously creating the nation of AZTLAN and not just romanticizing it or romanticizing che, zapata etc...Raza that are serious about creating self-determination for our peoples.And people that like good music, good music spelled BLUES. They're a rarity these days.

My Blog

Whut up to all my Raza!

As many of you know I have been away for the last 6 months or so. I have gone on an adventure around the country with SEIU the Service Employees International Union a Labor Union. I started not far fr...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 19:51:00 GMT

Death to Capitalism

I remember a couple years back as I rode the metro station from North Hollywood to LA. I dont remember if there was a march or a meeting. We got on the metro like anyother time and sat down. All alon...
Posted by on Tue, 02 May 2006 16:42:00 GMT


Posted by on Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:31:00 GMT