Pull profile picture


Album, 'Out of You', due for release in 2007

About Me

welcomes you,
We'd like to thank you for reaching out to us. Without fans, a band would not have anything to play for. We would also like to thank SoundStage, and more specifically Steve O'Donoghue, for managing and giving us full support. Also thanks to our Parents, for putting up with our late night practices and our horrible sense of humour.
With the help and guidance from SoundStage, we will be releasing our debut albumas soon as possible. We apologize for the lack of songs and promise to get them up here as soon as they are arranged and copyrighted.


My Interests


Member Since: 3/9/2007
Band Members:

Graham Smith - Lead Vocals
Tyler Gardiner - Guitar, Vocals
Brian O'Donoghue - Guitar, Vocals
Kyle McLoughlin - Bass, Vocals
Ben Robson - Drums,
Sounds Like:
We are currently working on making our own sound. Big influences would be Hedley, Nickelback, Reliant K and many many more. The new alternative rock is what fits us. With two amazing guitarists, a funky bassist, a girl drummer and an ethereal vocalist that constantly makes us think "Why didn't we get him to sing for us sooner?" you better watch out MTV, here we come.
SoundStageThis is our spot to say SoundStage ROCKS and we wouldn't dream about going anywhere else in Ontario for recording
Hey, If you like the Banner above, Copy and Paste this HTML into your site. This will give you a direct link to our site. Just one click away.
Record Label: SoundStage Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


To everyone. Pull is now Teaching! Ally will be giving drum lessons from her house. Brian is teaching at Guitar World in Cobourg. Tyler is Teaching at Don't Fret Guitar Instruction in ...
Posted by Pull on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:38:00 PST

Band Practice

On Friday we will be heading up to SoundStage Studio to have a band practice. Hopefully we will record a session. Maybe we will have a few songs to put up by the end of this week. For more Info...
Posted by Pull on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 02:28:00 PST