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"Draft Eric Croft Mission Statement"
Draft Croft is a movement in the vein, spirit, and indeed similar language of its successful Draft Obama progenitor. It exists to facilitate, promote, and encourage former Representative Eric Croft to seek the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in ‘08.
Why Myspace? Myspace is an online community home to the musings of thousands of young Alaskans eager to have their voices heard, but often disillusioned by the state of Alaskan politics, where special interests rule the field. In 2006, Eric Croft -- a lifelong Democrat, Alaskan, and former legislator from this great state -- sought to change that in his bid for Alaska’s governor. He proposed an ambitious set of agendas, including the Alaska Gasline Now! Act, a citizen initiative that Croft -- with the help of “47,000 of his closest friends†-- got put on the November ballot.
And even though he didn’t win the Democratic nomination that year, the robust ethics reform package he sponsored passed decisively in a vote of the people. During his tenure as a five-time elected Representative from the Spenard neighborhood of Anchorage, Croft, perhaps more than any other legislator, used the initiative process to bypass an often gridlocked legislature and get issues of importance to Alaskans put before them for a vote.
In 2004, in the public outcry of then-Governor Murkowski’s appointment of his daughter to the U.S. Senate, Eric Croft sponsored the Trust the People Act. Thanks to that, when a Senate seat is vacated, a special election is held to allow Alaskans to pick who they want as their senator.
Eric Croft has a distinguished record of leading the charge on issues of importance to Alaskans, and has mapped his career by doing something not often seen in Alaskan politics -- listening to the voices of Alaskans. And, more than any other candidate sure to emerge in the race for U.S. Senate in ‘08, Croft will continue that great tradition.
But he can’t do it alone. In 2006, Croft was the ONLY candidate for governor to campaign heavily in Alaska’s rural villages, believing that a strong grassroots effort is the only way to hear every voice, and heed every call for help. And now we as Alaskans, young and old alike, must heed this call, and help Eric Croft become the next U.S. Senator from Alaska.
A good start would be by signing the petition (link below) to URGE Mr. Croft to run for United States Senate in 2008.
Copy the above HTML and link the Petition to your MySpace. The resulting image is small and convenient.