www.remnantart.net, Fine Art, Illustration, Animation, underground comics, good music, playing music, comedy, being employed
Self motivated individuals
Guided by Voices, Brian Wilson, The Beatles, Jon Brion, Wilco, Phil Spector, Mowtown, Flaming Lips, Miles Davis, tv on the radio, Randy Newman, Southeast Engine, Captain of Industry, The Band, Dylan, Beethoven, Vince Giraldi, Neil Young, etc.
anything Wes Anderson, Most Woody Allen, Ghost World, Art School Confidential, American Splendor, Anything starring Bill Murray, The Squid and the Wale, The Graduate, Rocky 1, Office Space, Little Miss Sunshine, Stranger than Fiction
King of the Hill, The Daily Show/ Colbert Report, Seinfeld/curb your enthusiasm, The Simpsons, Conan, The News
Siddhartha, Rabbit is Rich, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, artist biographies, How to art books.
R. Crumb, Larry David, Mike Judge, Bob Pollard, Brian Wilson, Dan Clowes.