TIMBILA MUZIMBA profile picture



About Me

Timbila Muzimba is a ten piece orchestra made up of Mozambican Xylophones (Timbila) and African Percussion fused with electric bass, drums and saxophone. It was formed in 1997 by a group of young Mozambican musicians and dancers from a neighborhood near the Mozambican capital called “Barrio Jardim” which is famous for its Timbila Orchestras. These large and spectacular Orchestras are part of the identity of the Chope people from the province of Inhambane in the South West of Mozambique. With their unique sound, their complex and magical use of polyrhythm, melody and dance they are the pride of Mozambique. The young musicians from Bairro Jardim were drumming and dancing before they could walk or talk, taught by their fathers, uncles and grandfathers who were famous ‘Timbileiros’ in their own right. When they teamed up with young musicians from other Mozambican Provinces who shared their passion for the unique rhythms, instruments and dances from their own cultural roots, the unique sound of Timbila Muzimba started to be formed. Some of the young musicians were already playing in contemporary bands and all grew up with the sounds of jazz, rock, hip-hop, and…. They began to fuse these influences in compositions where traditional and contemporary instruments, rhythms and movements combined with their own explosive creative energy. A unique sound and spectacle of one of the most dynamic, modern, and popular groups seen coming out of Mozambique was born; Timbila Muzimba.As a group of music and dance, the name “Timbila Muzimba” reflects these two elements of the orchestras’ identity; the sound of the “Timbila” and the movement of the “Muzimba” which is the word for body in the Chope language. The frenetic movements of the ‘Muzimba’ of the dancers are in direct response to the sound of the Timbila and Percussion, the leaps, gyrations and pelvic gymnastics forming an integral part of the music. In Chope music, as in all Mozambican music, the movements of the dancers and the solos and rhythms of the instruments are so intertwined; one is not complete without the other. This is reflected in the theatrical identity of Timbila Muzimba where the dancers’ bodies enter into the music becoming additional instruments in the orchestra.Although a large part of the orchestras’ repertory is based on the Timbila, the primary challenge of the group is to constantly represent the reality of their generation and the shrinking world of the new millennium. Over the three thousand kilometers that Mozambique stretches, there are hundreds of different cultural practices, languages, musical forms and dances. As in the rest of the world, Mozambique has also become ‘smaller’ and these unique cultures more accessible. With the developments in communication, the possibilities of cultural exchange are increasingly more accessible. The music and dance of Timbila Muzimba reflects this new reality.Alemanha, Hannover Alemanha, Berlim Expo 2000; (2000) Festival da paz, (2000) Noruega, Trondheim Noruega, Tromso Festival de St. Olav; (2000) Festival de Tromso; (2000) Suécia, Halmsta Suécia, Gotemburgo Festival de Halmstad, (2000) Festival de de Gotemburg, (2000) Luxemburgo Festival Human Voice; (2002) Moçambique, MaputoMoçambique, Maputo Moçambique, Maputo Festival "Sons da Escrita" (CCFM) (2002) Festival de Agosto (2001,2003) Festival Pontes Lusófonas (facim) (2000) Portugal, three months tour Concerts, theatre and workshops (2004)Reunion Islands, Tampon Festival Fête de la liberté (2005) China,Macau Festival “Festa da Lusofonia” (2005)Participações do grupo em intercâmbios, oficinas e concertos:África do Sul ;Hugh Massekela Oficina com Músicos Sul Africanos (1998) Reino Unido; Fernhill Grupo britânico / música tradicional (1999) Burkina Fasso; Isaaka Actor, bailarino e músico (1999) Cabo Verde, Tito Paris Abertura do concerto (2000) Moçambique; Música Mpundzu Construção de instrumentos musicais tradicionais; (2000) Alemanha, ExpoHannover EXPO 2000, dia da percussão com 80 Músicos de Amêrica,Ásia, África e Europa Alemanha, Berlim Criação “O hino da paz” Moçambique, Maputo CD Vidas Positivas Médicos sem fronteiras Tributo dos músicos Moçambicanos na luta contra o HIV/SIDA participação com o tema"SIDA não é crime". (2002)Grécia, Tessaloniki LEMO 36a Conferência Mundial dos Escuteiros conquista “Moot”2008 para Moçambique pela Liga dos EscuteirosMoçambique, Hulene Oficina (Workshop) e intercâmbio com Grupo Identidades de Portugal com o povo do Bairro de Hulene. (2002)Moçambique, UMOJA Camp Dez dias de Oficinas com músicos e artistas da Noruega RSA Zimbabwe (2003Portugal, PortoGesto, projecto IdentidadesEspectáculos no teatro municipal do Porto Teatro Rivoli; Museu de Vinho de Porto de Régua; Centro Cultural ORFEU de Águeda; Centro Cultural e Recreativo deTondela,CentroCultural Maus Hábitos Oficinas (Workshops dança e música) na Universidade de Porto Faculdade de Engenharia (3 dias), Escola Secúndária de Espinho e Escola de Belas Artes de Porto.(2003)Swazilândia, Mbabane,Manzini Theatre Club e House on Fire,(2003) Macau-Taipa“Festa da Lusofonia” festival internacional Ilha Reunião,Tampon Festival de la Liberte ( 2005) MS EUROPA, Cruzeiro Concerto ao vivo (01-01-06) MoçambiqueEncontro musical com Lokua Kanza no estúdio do Timbila Muzimba ( 16-04-06) Ilhas Mayotte Concertos e workshops com grupos de música e dança tradicional Maoré ( Abril-06) Espanha (Galiza)- Portugal Quatro elementos da orquestra e grupo Galego Narf Projecto Bumba Maio/Julho 06 Portugal Porto Festival Outras Musicas September 06I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests


Member Since: 3/7/2007
Band Website: timbilamuzimba.com
Band Members:
Record Label: gesto warethwa
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Solo para TIMBILA

Caderno Cultural Viva o rei da timbilaVENÂNCIO MBANDE: Um solo para timbila para reconhecer o reiVENÂNCIO Mbande é uma das figuras mais representativas da timbila, esse Património Cultural da Hum...
Posted by TIMBILA MUZIMBA on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:23:00 PST

Timbila on FIRE

 A magia do tambor chopeTimbila Muzimba firme no sucessoQUEM agendou a sua sexta-feira para ver os Timbila Muzimba no Teatro Avenida, poderia estar a pressentir que iria encontrar uma banda caute...
Posted by TIMBILA MUZIMBA on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:10:00 PST


Venâncio Mbade e a sua orquestraTimbila Muzimba laureia mestre Venâncio MbandeMaputo, Quinta-Feira, 14 de Fevereiro de 2008:: Notícias  O AGRUPAMENTO Timbila Muzimba vai lançar ...
Posted by TIMBILA MUZIMBA on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:33:00 PST