Target Shooting.
Texas Hold'em at
In spite of that I am now the owner of and now I may develope it...
Owen Wilson
Christina Ricci
Bobby Lee
Michael Richards (he didnt say anything Howard Stern dont say everyday)
a lil of everything,
I have a thing for 80's pop,
Hair Bands from the 80's
as well as old school hiphop
on SIRIUS RADIO Ch 8, 23 43 and 100
AND NOW Faction 28
Low Budget, Independent, comedy, horror and B rated horror
The Shield
That 70's Show
Mad TV
Chapelle Show
Robot Chicken
All Real World Road Rule Challanges
Pee Wees Playhouse on Cartoon Network 12:00 am Mon.-Fri.
Sureal Life
I'm a Reality tv Junkie