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TAPS Family Radio


About Me

Listen LIVE every Wednesday @ 6PM

Come chat with TAPS & TAPS Family Members..
.. on our official 18+ chatroom!

Chat rules:
1. Don't act a fool. This means no profanity, no insulting people and no spamming links.
2. This is a PG family oriented chat, discussion of drugs and alchohol will not be tolerated.
3. Sexually explicit discussion will not be tolerated.
4. Staff moderators have the right to kick and ban anyone from the chat for any reason.

We are accepting questions to be read on the air to Kristyn next week.
Please submit your questions here:

[email protected]

Questions? Contact the General Manager of TAPS Family Radio,
Brent Fair!
Add Brent | Mail Brent

TAPS T-Shirt Give-Away!
Add us to your TOP friends list here on MySpace and you automatically become eligible for our random T-Shirt, ticket and promotional give-aways! We will go through our friends list before each giveaway and to choose someone from our list. If we select your MySpace profile and view your friends list AND we are on it, you will get something REALLY cool from us. Stay tuned for details and in the meanwhile, place us in your TOP!

August 1st: James "The Amazing" Randi | JREF
August 8th: Patrick Burns | Court TV's Haunting Evidence
August 15th: Troy Taylor | AGS and Prairie Ghosts
August 22nd: Todd Sheets | Nightwatch Radio
August 29: Dale Kaczmarek | awol
September 5: Chris Fleming | UNKNOWN Magazine
September 12: Keith Johnson | NEAR
September 19: Kristyn Gartland | TAPS
September 26: Alan Rupnick | I AM Haunted.com
October 3: John Kachuba | Author
October 10: To be announced
October 17: Brad and Sherry Steiger | Authors

Vince Wilson: June 13th
John Zaffis: June 20th
Donna LaCroix: June 27th
Cliff Williams: June 27th
Mark Nesbitt: July 4th
Loyd Auerbach: July 11th
Patrick H.T. Doyle: July 18th

Peter is one half of the dynamic duo that host the show. Peter is also the founder of the Long Island Society for Paranormal Research and has been a long time member of the TAPS Family. He also hosts another show on BlogTalk called "Lights Out" and paid us big bucks to plug that here. Just kidding!
Tim is the other half of the whacky host team for TAPS Family Radio and is also the Founder of the Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society in Michigan. Tim has been an outstanding member of the TAPS Family and is also an on-air personality and producer for an FM radio station in Sault Ste. Marie. Call in and tell Tim to mow his lawn more regularly!
Brent is the General Manager and all around laziest guy on the show. He is also a direct member of (TAPS) The Atlantic Paranormal Society where he runs the TAPS Family. If you hear someone in the background on show making bodily noises or underarm fart sounds, its probably Brent. Oh yeah, he rocks better than Peter and Tim.
Nancy is one of our Program Directors here at TAPS Family Radio. She is partnered up with Marie (below) to bring us quality guests here on the show. Nancy is also the owner and administrator of the IRC #Ghosthunters chat channel on StarChat. Nancy has many years as a paranormal investigator, is a huge supporter to the TAPS Family and loves to tell her boyfriend to shushy.
Marie is the other half of the Program Director team here at the show. She is also the Founder of Idaho Spirit Seekers in... drum roll please... Idaho. She has been an outstanding member of the TAPS Family for a while now and is one of the nicest ladies out there. Marie can be seen wearing a tin foil hat while harvesting potatos.
Jeff is the Producer for TAPS Family Radio. He is responsible for the technical end of the show, making sure everything runs smoothly by operating all show controls. Jeff is also a managing member of Clearfield County Paranormal Investigations in PA. Jeff can also be seen changing nicknames at 110 mph in the #Ghosthunters chat where he is busy swooning as many women as he can. Great guy though! =-)

We certainly welcome your live, on-air comments, questions and input during the show. Please feel free to call us at 646.478.5372 each Wednesday between 6PM and 7PM EST. Keep in mind that we try to get every caller on the air, however we cannot assure this. All calls are screened.

We apologize to only be able to offer a toll call in number at this time. For those of you outside of that New York area code phone number, toll / long distance fee may apply. We will soon be offering a toll free 800 number for your convenience!

You may listen by going to http://blogtalkradio/tapsfamilyradio each Wednesday @ 6PM EST. The live feed will start automatically. You may also go to our web site at http://radio.tapsfamily.com where the feed will also start up live. Alternatively, if you cannot listen to our show live, you may download the podcasts from blogtalk or by using one of the following methods.

You may contact us anytime by emailing: [email protected]

Mailbag (On-Air Questions): [email protected]

Booking (Become a guest): [email protected]

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