Not too long ago someone asked me where do I see myself in the next 10 years. Good question. I take a look at my life now, and what I want, and then I think to myself….Do I think that I can do that? YES, Yes I can. I have always been a hard worker and very smart. I just need to put my mind to it. I have listed the things that I am going to achieve. Each time I successfully achieve one, I will mark beside it “COMPLETEâ€. I use this list as a reminder to myself…to keep my focus on what it is that I want to achieve. Not sure of how some things will come about, but I am sure that I can and will........................................................ ................................ If you have any helpful suggestions, I sure would appreciate it. Wish me luck............................................................ ..................HOUSE RENIVATIONS…I am so looking forward to my first home being completed. I bought a true “FIXER UPPER†but, I do LOVE my house. Small and cute, just like me. I will have my home completed on or before 5-18-2008 (My 33rd Birthday).............................. • REPLACE ELECTRICAL BOX • REPLACE ROOF • FIX AC • REPLACE OLD FENCING • INSULATION, DRYWALL, FLOORING, & DOOR for the Family Room • PAINT EXTERIOR • BUILD SMALL POND for my Duck • LANDSCAPE • INSTALL IRRIGATION ............................................................ .HEALTH…In the past, I have not had the opportunity to do some simple things people can take for granted. Like many people, I lack insurance. I am looking forward to… • GO TO THE DENIST (Never been. I am very lucky that God gave me good teeth and a pretty smile….but I still should go) • LEFT EYE – CORNEA TRANSPLANT (An accident as a child has left my left eye legally blind. I am pretty use to it but, I can’t wait to see from 2 eyes again.) • RIGHT EYE – HIGH DEFINITION LAZER SURGERY (I may always need glasses but I can't wait to see 20-20.)• BACK INTO MY SIZE 6. (I feel very blessed that God has given me a small shape. Most of my family is overweight. Last 2 years I have lost focus and I am now a size 8/9. Still not bad but, I do like my size 6.) • LOWER MY CHOLESTEROL ............................................................ .FINACIALLY…I need courage on this one. In the past, I would pray “please, just let me get by.†I work and I work. Others have started with nothing…and made millions…well then so too can I. No more just barely getting by. • GRATITUDE (Most important of all. I am very grateful for every thing that I have been blessed with. I never want to loose that. I put gratitude along with my financial wants and needs as a reminder. ) • MY FINANCIAL STRATIGY ......... 10% God......... 5% Others / Charity (So many have blessed my life with their generosity, I feel it is so important to bless others too, and it is very rewording)........ 30% Taxes........ 40% Living Expenses – Bills (Any $ left over can be go to Saving/Investing).......... 5% Saving/Investing........ 10% Have Fun – Family & Friends • PAY OFF ALL OLD DEBT • FINANCIAL FREEDOM • NEW CAR • TRAVEL Bahamas France Los Vegas Mexico Africa Japan • GREAT REWARDING JOB (I do love my job now. I have the best boss ever. Small Company that needs to grow.) • START MY OWN BUSINESS (I love art. I have been working with digital camaras for 3+ years. I would love to take it up a noch and start digital art. 3-28-2007 UPDATED: I HAVE STARTED MY OWN PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS. JUST NOW AT THE FIRST STAGE. GETTING USE TO MY NEWEST DIGITAL CAMERA AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS. LOOK FORWARD TO ADDING SOME PHOTOS TO MYSPACE TO SHARE.• INVEST (Planning for retirement is very important) • NEW LAKEFRONT HOME (Even as a young girl, I would daydream of my perfect home. I could spend hours making blueprints of the design and floor plant that I wanted. It is going to be so nice and, what could be better than enjoying fishing, boating, swimming, sunrises/sunsets, beautiful landscaping in your own back yard.) •NICE WARDROBE ............................................................ .....PERSONAL • FIND MY SOLE MATE (Cute, Strong, Healthy, Intelligent, Inspired, Romantic, Thoughtful, Patient, Kind, Understanding, Loyal, Honest, Grateful, Funny, Family Oriented, Christian, Moral, and best of all Loves Me and Our Family Unconditionally.) • TWO BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY CHILDREN (Keep in mind this is a 10 year plan….not a 3 year plan. Lol I do love children.) • BIG WOUNDERFUL HOLIDAY EVENTS • BE THE BEST SPIRITUAL BEING (Always keep my focus on God First) • LOTS FREE TIME (Life is about enjoying. What could be better that enjoying family & friends, taking new adventures, exploring new things, traveling…. I also like to just relax, paint, fish, volunteering…) • BLESS OTHERS
Who would I like to meet? It is my goal to make connections with great POSSITIVE people all over the world. ............................................................ ....................................A little couraged can go a long ways when taking on a new journey alone. If you have a true story that has happened to you, I would love to hear it. Sharing your story can bring hope, inspiration and strength to keep believing that I too one day will achieve all of my goals. If you have any good advise, I sure would love to hear it. ............................................................ .............................................. language="JavaScript" src="" ..Maybe you have never heard of “The Secret†and you want to know more. I encourage you to check it out. Sometimes hard to find at a movie/book store. is offering a free online viewing of the movie for a limited time. There is also I also wrote a brief overview on my "Books" section. UPDATE: I HAVE A 26 MINUTE VIDEO OF "THE SECRET" ON THIS SITE. JUST TURN OFF MY RADIO SO YOU CAN HEAR/WATCH THE MOVIE. I truly believe that “The Secret†has lots of good things to offer you. Come and join me on my new journey. Starting over is so refreshing. I love to hearing of your new discoveries and adventures. ............................................................ .....................
Do you have any suggestions of any great "make me feel good - upbeat" songs? Artist, Title, Band? I love all types of music. I never was the type of person that would be good at music trivia. I can sing almost every word to tons of songs, but I have no idea the name of the singer, title, band, etc. Recently I have been on this quest to mix my own CD with really positive, upbeat, feel good songs. Radio stations are great but they are mixed with positives and negatives.
Do you have any suggestions of any great "make me laugh so hard" movies? I love to watch comedy. It just makes you feel so great after a nice laugh. I like watch animated/cartoon movies too. It is nice to feel like a kid some times. Just like music, I would not be a very good movie trivia player either. Love to watch them, but I have no idea who the actors, director, and title were.
Ok, so you already probably know my top 2 books. .............................. "The Holy Bible" (best author ever) and “The Secretâ€. ............................................ If you know of a Really Good Book that is truly full of hope and inspiration, nothing sad to make me cry, please write me and let me know. ............................................................ ............... Suzanne writes: "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther & Jerry Hicks. -Thanks Suzanne!.................................................... .....EXCITING NEWS! I HAVE ADDED A VIDEO OF “THE SECRET†IN MY BLOG. IT IS A 26 MINUTE MOVIE. NOT THE WHOLE VERSION BUT STILL REALLY GOOD. I AM SO EXCITED TO HAVE FOUND THIS, THANKS TO WELLNESS DIVA’S MYSPACE PAGE. For those of you that have not read or seen “the Secret†yet, I will break it down simply (or just watch the video). I am not the author so I will try to get it as close as possible, but not too much, have to give you lots to look forward to. This is my interpretation of “The Secretâ€: ............................................................ ............................“The Secret†is about learning about the laws of the universe and how we can apply them to our life. Each of us is a being of energy. Energy is never created nor destroyed. Our thoughts and emotions have frequencies that can be scientifically measured. We go through out our day transmitting frequencies. Some are good frequencies (when we are happy, excited, pleased, grateful, etc.) Some are bad frequencies (when we are sad, , frustrated, guilty, angry, hurt, etc.) Most people go through out their day transmitting frequencies with out even realizing it. Worst of all, many people go through out their lives not even knowing the benefits or consequences these frequencies have. Benefits? Consequences? The law of the universe is like the law of gravity. It has always been there. Can’t take it away. But it can be very beneficial to know how to use it. The law of the universe says that like attracts like. ............................................................ ............................( You ever notice when you move your couch to sweep/vacuum, you find dust bunnies. Each dust particle has attracted and attached it’s self to another dust particle. The longer it has been the more dust bunnies there are. Like attracts like.)...................................................... ..................................Well our frequencies follow the same principle. Like attracts like. If you are continually giving bad frequencies, you are going to attract bad frequencies. If you are continually giving good frequencies, you are going to attract good frequencies. Your life if full of perfect examples of like attracts like. ............................................................ ............................Bad Frequency Example: Do you know someone who is overweight, and they are always struggling to loose weight? Tired of being called fat. Tired of being on diets that don’t work. Do these jeans make my butt look to bid? People some times look them funny. They try to loose that weight, but it never works. WHY? Just look at what all those frequencies are saying * fat * failing diets * big butt * funny looks * All bad/negative frequencies. So what happens? Like attracts Like They just can’t loose that weight. ............................................................ ............................Good Frequency Example: Do you know someone was applying for that perfect job? They were so excited to have this chance. They thought about how nice it would be and how it would improve their life. They told their family, friends, and even neighbors about this exciting opportunity. They imagined themselves going to work every morning to that perfect job, how proud that made them feel. They imagined themselves coming home every day from their perfect job so happy to tell their family how their day went. Even though hundred of people applied for this same perfect job, and some may have even been a little more qualified, they still got the job. It seems like a miracle. WHY? Just look at what all those frequencies are saying * perfect * excitement * nice * improve * proud * happy * share. All good/positive frequencies. So what happens? Like attracts like. They got the job. ............................................................ ............................“The Secret†book and movie explains it much better than I can. And the book and movie show you how you can apply the laws of the universe to your life. I encourage you to check it out. Sometimes hard to find at a movie/book store. is offering a free online viewing of the movie for a limited time. There is also ............................................................ ... I truly believe that “The Secret†has lots of good things to offer you. Come and join me on my new journey. Starting over is so refreshing. I love to hearing of your new discoveries and adventures. • Be Healthy * Be Happy * Fall in Love * Be a Size 8 * Have a Family * Get Your Dream House * Get that New Car * Be Wealthy * Your Options are Unlimited.
My number one hero is God. The alpha and the omega. With out him there would be no me there would be no us ............................. ................................ I wanted to have a place to share all of the wonderful web sites that I have found to be very useful and/or inspirational. I hope you enjoy these site as much as I have ................... ..................................... .................................. k.pdf ...................................... ............................... ............................................