C H R I S T I N A profile picture



About Me

It takes a lifetime, to get to know a person, but i will try to give you a "feel" what type of person i m. I m a very loving and caring person towards my family and friends and i m concerned of there wellness.I m very openminded and respect different races, religions and lifestyle. I was born in germany, but in a very early stage of my life, i discoverd that the United States is the most comfortable place for me to live. In the time of living in Washington State,Florida Destin,Kelly,Atlanta GA, i made my most meaningful life experience, that made me to that person i m today..... i cherish the time i had and don t regret anything, i..ve been thru!Also i love to travel, since i believe, you learn about people and places thru meeting and visiting(learning by doing).I keep my biological age and my body with yoga and health foods in good condition.I believe you are just as young as you choose to be!! I also do sports like tennis,Power stiltz,golf,skating ,jogging and swimming.All the beautiful beaches seem to always draw me to them,since i m a romantic cancer and this is the place where i can reload my energy and free my mind...be close to peace and nature!.I m NONE POLITICAL...meaning, that i do NOT waste my LIFE-TIME with useless discussions about what type of party is overpowering and ruleing what situation(people ,property,money, laws ,countries) for selfish gainful reasons ,that i did not select,agreed to and... have no control over.There will always be "spicies" who target on "overpowering "and "rule ...and there are people like me, who care for love ,peace and happyness and total Abundance within them selfs and there imidiate family and friends.My Life is to short to change the whole world, but i will work on my "own private world to be a" better" example. I m in the"construction" phase of my life, meaning, i develope myself towards wholesomeness,positive life arrangement and total LOVE embracement...so that i can be the best of ME!!! Myspace Backgrounds

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My Interests

I enjoy dressing in my own "style" and be all woman from head to toe.I like good restaurants, jazz clubs,concerts,to have a fun night out with friends or my special someone and "shake it" to the rythem .I travel everytime i get the chance, mostly to warm ,metropolitain places.I like to be organized and plan for the future in balancing my life with quality situations and positive memories!
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I'd like to meet:

Anybody interesting,challenging,different and inspiring in a positive way.I always appreciate new ways of thinking and level of experience.I like intelligent conversation about everything and anything, so you should never hesitate to share your thoughts ,ideas or opinion with me.I believe you can only learn from somebody...sometimes positive....sometimes ...you better" stay away", but you are always smarter afterwards, regardless!I prefer honest straight talk...so no sugarcodings and no holding back.Express yourself and be you...and we will see, if we can make new friends....walk some path of life together! Also i would like to network and get some business connections or any good ideas about selfemployed businesses.Hook up s are welcome...i still work on my first million !!
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I m very openminded towards jazz,R&B,rap,hip hop,slow oldshool music and classical.My favorite singers are Tupac,Michael Jackson,Usher,T.I.,Beyonce,Mary J.Blige,Seal,Alicia Keys,,Nelly...and most of the talents from the "dirthy south"!
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I enjoy drama, real life stories,scary movies,action,comedy(stand up)and of course..since i m a female....love stories.. i can not resist... with a happy ending is a must.My favorites are ,set it of,dead presidents,casino,blow(jonny deep), sex in the city,how stella got her grove back(love the shower part),Enough with Jenifer Lopez...favorite acters: Tai Diggs,Denzel Washington,Will Smith,Blair Underwood,Jonny Depp(the sexiest "white" Man alive!) movies....
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I must say, i refuse to let any negative news alter or change my lifestyle.I will not be the victim of "scare tactic..s or who want to harm whom etc.There always was and will be good and evel, so there is nothing "new" under the sun!!!I enjoy watching selected DVD..s to have a relaxed time...movies that inspire and touch me in a positive way!!Also studys on age or human life (health)developments and research!! etc. I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com .
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I m in that "phase" of my life journey ,with this book called "The secret" and i m looking forward to all the positive changes in my life and will imbrace the Affirmative and Abundance!!.I will take notes as my life is receiving!!!Also, i like books that give you advice about self improvement, health ,successful lifestyle, diet, mind and exercising.
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I admire people that are career oriented and make dreams come true in life, like Oprah Winfrey...she is such a strong dominant personality,Donald Trump,Bill Gates,Rosa Parks ...because she stud up for discremination and change,Karl Lagerfeld...i love his work...he is very expressive ...i liked when he said..."i have a german passport,but that s about it"! .... they are hard working and own determination and are a big inspiration to me.I believe you have to think big and that everything is possible!The right kind of willpower , knowledge and experience is the guide for success....quality will recognize quality.A person who is truthful, and respectful and adds to positive change,peace and creative knowledge in this world is my hero!!!
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My Blog


Why do woman don t think about that??? Do you want to be successful...happy...have peace of mind....stay strong...be independent...have a career and family life....have a good social life and lot s of...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 07:24:00 PST


....is it not funny....what people worry about. OUR family is in tormoil and we worry about wich party we will give our taxes to next..... The kids get abducted and raped and we can t w...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Wed, 23 May 2007 02:01:00 PST


I took Bob Proctors advice and this is my daily archievement "Master minding" in progress:I m soo happy and greatful that money comes to me in big quantity, from multiple source ,of income on a contin...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:27:00 PST

CHANGE IS A GOOD THING....what i learned about the secret

As i m moving forward in learning about the secret...i want to list a few "light bulb moments" i had in the proccess. 1.Abundance is your birthright! That  means, i m able and allowed to wish for...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 01:42:00 PST

The secret

I discovered  The secret in my life and i want to start this journey on myspace ,to express and write down my experience and positive changes .I was amazed by this big news that "Abundance is Y O...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:29:00 PST


Have you ever wondered.......why you can t find your special somebody.....you did all you could....you dated adam and eve, kissed all the froggs(there is the mistake..keep your search in the human fam...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 02:44:00 PST

straight talk part2

.....before you act think: You can sink or swimm, you can fall or fly, you can stay or settle you can talk or take actions you can wait to exhale or breath you can wonder or be wise you can believe or...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 05:50:00 PST

the tables turn....straight talk!

For all the pretenders,wanna be players,backstabers,liers,shallow pips,close mind brains,one way thinker and cheaters,stalkers,positive and peacekillers,putdowns ,envy and two face human beeing,evel a...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:12:00 PST

don t judge me.....

Don t judge me....... because you don t know me. You are in fear of the new, you have not the necessary experience , compare to what you have no  knowledge about, let jealousy and hate overcome y...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:31:00 PST

Poem to someone special...

A good Man..... makes me feel he will shelter me from all fears, comfort and wipes away my uncryed tears. Is first aid for the wound of my soul, finds out that my Cat´s nose has a mole. Fight´s thru t...
Posted by C H R I S T I N A on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:08:00 PST