Black Orange profile picture

Black Orange

Sometimes Reality Is Better Than Imagination

About Me

Welcome to my profile.
I was born in Greece. I studied Visual Communications at Berlin. Black is for my heart and Orange for my soul. I am an art painter , I create video art clips and compose electronic music and often I work as a Dj. I listen to many styles of music except maistream sounds. I am open to people who are not afraid to accept and love their fetishes. I love female nudity in any kind of art. I hate taboo's and misery. I enjoy my passions. Surrealism is a word I really like to use because I believe that is more near to reality. Now I live in Athens but I am not sure if I like it. I hate brocolli and i say that sports are a waste of time. I don't want to change the world and i'm not an activist. I don't like to take or to give advices. I love animals and that's all. I love the night and all the creatures that live in it. I believe that when the sun goes down i turn into a goo goo muck. I accept that we are all equal and I am not interested in politics. I am far away from common religions. I don't know if I like paradise. I think that it will be boring.
Thanks For Your Visit.
All Videos , Images And Music © George P. Traikos
These are promo video clips for my artwork . I hope you like them...
Art Paintings
These are video clips for my latest tracks . I create them using footages from my shootings and selected themes . I hope you like them...
Black Orange - On Line (2007).
Black Orange - Execution Day (2005).
Black Orange - Liquid Trip (2007).
Black Orange - Evening Walk (2006).

My Interests





It's energy is powerful on both physical spiritual levels. A combination of red and yellow in equal parts it combines physical, earthly energy with enormous vitality and stimulates , strengthens the senses ,warm to hot. Orange is associated with ideas, warmth, contentment, fruitfulness, warmth and cheer, balance, strength, and physical growth, well-being , prosperity optimism , joy, and enthusiasm, I FEEL, Orange represents Energy, our ability to explore life and to express our experiences and new beginnings . Orange is the color of the second or sacral chakra which governs the part of the intestine which absorbs energy from food and sexuality and the tribal or community identification. While Orange is primarily assigned to the Second chakra which governs the Emotional body of the aura, the color is also sometimes assigned to the mental body and to logical and conceptual functions. In Huna orange represents the Air element .Undiluted Orange is a vivid color often used for safety cones and vests and for hunting clothes because of the high visibility which commands attention and so offers protection. Orange shades also give us the color of Autumn leaves a reminder of energy in decline. It has a broad appeal , in marketing psychology orange is used to make an expensive product seem more affordable and has been used to indicate that a product is suitable for everyone. orange is a color associated with appetite and is often used in the decoration of restaurants especially those that serve fast food . A sporty color that is often used as an accent in athletic uniforms .In the aura orange indicates creativity ,high aspiration , pride, self sufficient ,direct , high minded, restrained, ambitious not warm or sensual, wholesomeness, wants success , confident, strong , generous, creative, artistic, expressive, fullness of experience, urge to achieve results or success. can indicate sacrifice, rides over others ,self justified, narrow outlook as it shades to russet . Yellow Orange is joy and exuberance Red Orange is relationship, expressed as desire, passion, and sexuality.Generally transient orange in the aura indicates good health, but can indicate a need to reduce stress. Orange appears in the aura when an individual is expressing sincerity and sometimes when they are trying to convince another of something which they feel is true. Darker orange often indicates someone living under extreme pressure, an overly aggressive personality, or too much time in the public eye. Example : Politicians Peach is to orange as pink is to red . Rare as an aura color Lots of compassion and understanding. In color healing peach is used to instill peace, truth, and balance.People who favor orange are often very bold, social and extroverted by nature, confident and independent , enjoy luxuries, learn well on their own and make good teachers. They may have issues with bias or impatience, self appreciation is needed to keep emotions open and unblocked .Sometimes they are prone to congested energy and disconnect from emotions . Some are over sensitive and easily hurt. Orange is the color between red and yellow "orange people" may struggle inside to balance the intellect with the passionate emotions so that their decisions sometimes will be based on one, next on the other.In healing work, orange is used to raise energy levels, increase immunity, , for all digestive ailments, sexual potency, to help with cramps and spasms. , chest and kidney diseases. Orange will have a gentle warming effect if used lightly. An antidote for depression, loneliness and tiredness. Orange color and food provides vital energetic supports for vegetarians . Good for chest conditions, chronic rheumatism and asthma. It can recharge the etheric body which is the template for the physical body. Orange, like red should not be used for too long. It is not a good color for nervous people or those who are easily over excited or prone to anxiety.To use orange in healing place an appropriate gemstone or colored cloth over the chakra or area of need as intuitively guided, or gaze at, visualize or meditate on the associated color sit in or look at light of the color or hold or gaze on an appropriate crystal . Colors can be run as shakti . Use an orange scarf or carnelian or tiger eye crystal meditate or visualize with orange. Use Orange for - Kidney problems, constipation, muscular cramps and spasms, lack of energy, insufficient lactation, skin problems, allergies, repression and inhibition.Orange is a mix of red and yellow and combines energizing with focussing qualities. associated with the second chakra and with the flow of energy and information throughout the entire being Creativity Artistic expression tribal or group identification flow A few orange stones and crystals that are commonly used in healing are:Carnelian: a stone of vitality, of value in healing, warming and energizing. Protects against being overcome by fear and sorrow, helps physical strength, sexual energy, love, dispels apathy, used to treat allergies , colds, gall and kidney stones , spine ,to heal cuts and abrasions. Works on the second chakra, creativity, reproduction ,stability. lower back problems, ease arthritis, female reproductive issues, increases fertility, encourages curiosity and enthusiasm and is sometimes used to ease the fear of death and allow acceptance of death. A motivation stone for sales people. freedom, independence, adventure and travel.Orange calcite encourages potential , uplift the spirit and brings joy , activates creativityCopper: Revitalizing, helps fight against restlessness, excitability, lethargy and laziness Works to instill attributes of optimism, diplomacy, initiative and independence helps with the recognition of obstacles in ones spiritual path. Can stabilize blood flow, increases circulation and helps treat arthritis, bursitis and infectionFire agate: grounding ,sexual endeavors. It may also be beneficial in healing problems with the stomach and endocrine system. helps take the edge off intense emotionsSunstone: reduction of fear of all kinds , re-vitalizing life force energy, mental and emotional clarity , experiencing joy.

Visit "my pics" section for more.Please leave a comment if you want.

Ash In ARt 1-06 To 8-06 2007.



These are some posters from previous events and music nights.Maybe some of you were there.


These are two of my favourite films. I made these two small film traillers with all of my respect to the work of the filmakers. Try to contact them for more infos.

Maria Beatty - The Black Glove (1996). : Maria Beatty Films On Line Store

Maria Beatty is a New York filmmaker who directs, acts, and produces. Her films are often made in black and white, have high production values, and cover various aspects of female sexuality including BDSM and fetishism. She was inspired by expressionist German cinema, by French surrealism and American film noir. She sometimes stars in her own films, such as The Elegant Spanking (1995) and The Black Glove (1997). Maria Beatty is also interviewed in the 1996 Nick Broomfield documentary Fetishes. At the Barcelona Erotic Film Festival she got the High Heel Award for Best Fetish Film 2004. Maria Beatty’s latest film “BOY IN A BATHTUB" released in September 2006

Maartje Seyferth - Venus In Furs (1994). : more infos

Maartje Seyferth (1945, Amsterdam) studied at the Theater schools of Amsterdam (directing) and Antwerp (acting). As an actress she played in many trend setting avant-garde theatre plays and films. Studied painting at the Rietveld Academy. Since 1986 Victor Nieuwenhuijs and Maartje Seyferth work together as filmmakers and founded Moskito Film to produce their films. "Venus In Furs" is based upon the classic 19th century S M novel, and chronicles the relationship between a dominatrix and her slave. Much of the soundtrack includes works by Mahler and Tchaikovsky.The film has also been invited to take part in the Erotic Film Festival of Athens (Jan. 18-21, 2007).



I'd like to meet:

art painters , musicians , directors , film makers, acrobats , strippers , underground creators , cult people , fetish addicts , free minds , open hearts , dark souls , producers , circus funs , actors , poets , writters , vicious lovers , illustrators , creative people , art nude photographers , beautifull faces , lovely bodies , winners , philosophers , dancers , sinners , fantasy artists , models , bondage scene members , surrealists , and everybody who can inspire me ...