Most anything scientific, playing rock and roll, dancing to that sweet sweet industrial music, or what have you, world music, scifi, fantasy, painting, hiking, vegetarian stuff, friends, cats, snowboarding. Oh yeah, let's not forget "hot chix0rz".I appreciate many things that I am not of but am near to. Painters, tattoos, dancers, that sort of thing. Writers. I read voraciously ("Ulysses" currently). I practice kindness. I enjoy acting silly. I am very, very busy seeking out my own artistic path in the world of music, and sometimes it can make me appear quiet or distant, but these are times I will only share with you if you know me well. Most of the time I am ebullient and gregarious and ready to goof off. :)
musicians, the kind that bathe, that is, scientists, activists, but not the self-righteous annoying kind, funny people, funny looking people, artists, givers, bakers, candlestick makers, moneymakershakers.
I hate people who say "I listen to everything." No you don't. You listen to Britney AND the Dixie Chicks. I, on the other hand, listen to 80's, experimental jazz, classical, goth, industrial, Indian music, trance and jungle 'n' ambient and all those other flavors, and then I listen to a little more industrial. My all time favorites transcend most genres: The Beatles, Led Zeppellin, Depeche Mode, Jane's Addiction. Tom Waits, Nick Drake, Jeff Buckley. John Zorn. Spiritualized. Countless more, of course. Also, Stravinsky, Tschaikovsky, Beethoven, Dvorak, and Bach. I am also well versed in old school punk rock...argh, this list goes on forever, eh? Look, I am a musician and I love music and I will happily discuss just about any genre on an intellectual level, or just jump around and not to it on a purely visceral level. Baby.
Miller's Crossing, the Trilogy, Lord o The Rings, Ringu, Spirited Away, RAN, Matrix Numero Uno, Raiders, etc etc. I really liked "Singles" for a long time. :P
I learned a hell of a lot from NOVA and Nature. PBS rules. I was a teenage Buffy fanatic...okay, not a teenager per se. Now I don't watch TV.
the Beats, the old Russian guys (3 Gogol), Bester, Niven, guilty pleasures like Piers Anthony, HPL, ancient scifi (ER Burroughs), Latin American magic realism, books on music, science books, history, erotica, idly flipping through Fredericks' catalogs...I mean the Sierra Club report
they all have flaws, you know, but Da Vinci, Einstein, Kerouac, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Ghandi, Coltrane, Martin Gore and David Gahan, Alexander Calder (in yer face, Mondrian!), Akira Kurosawa, Antonin Dvorak.