Nevena Radivojevic profile picture

Nevena Radivojevic

About Me

PERSONAL DATA Name and surname: Nevena Radivojevic* Date and place of birth: 9th July,1985, Smederevo, Serbia* EDUCATION* 1993.-2000. elementary musical school, piano branch in Smederevo* 2000.-2005. secondary musical school "Stankovic" in Belgrade - Theory of music branch* 2005.-2007. student at Jazz Academy in Graz, Austria, singing branch.* ACTIVITIES I had my first solo performance at the age of eight* I had my first solo Concert at the age of fourteen (30.05.2000. Curtureal Centre, Smederevo)* COOPERATION I have been cooperating the following musicians and artists: Nikola Radivojevic, Milosh Marinkovic-Djukan, Vuk Mijanovic, Trens, Zoran Lazarevic, Bojan Turkic, Vladimir Kostadinovic, Tonko Zivanovic, Ilija Grbic, Ivan Zecevic-Vanja, Dusan Petrovic, Meca Ahmetovic, Milos Milojevic, Milan Jovanovic, Zoza, Misa Nadaskic-cika Nale,Vedran Sinobad, Peki, Nemanja Savic, Jelena Bukushic, Kolja Radenkovic, Boki Radenkovic, Eddie Luis, Aleksandar Cvetkovic-Drama, ...

My Interests


Member Since: 3/5/2007
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Type of Label: None