..::Stefano Pagana dj::.. profile picture

..::Stefano Pagana dj::..


About Me

Giulio Stefano Maria Pagana was born in Catania on 19th September 1984. When he was 14 years old, he began to play some records thank his brother Dario. With a little consolle they spent their afternoon in a different way. He acquired very quickly style and technique and in a short time he started to record on tape for a station radio, situated in a little sicilian town, Troina, where he live. His reference point is a little studio, where he realized with his brother Dario and some friends different programms for many local radios. He also experimented electric sonority with samplers, synth and virtual instruments for PC. The passion for music and his wish to learn everything keep driving him to interact with some rock band. He plays live in electronic key with them musical excerpts of some groups of mondial fame like Doors, Deep Purple, Clash, U2, but above all he boughts and listens old disc of different kind (Run DMC, Kool & The Gang, Level 42, Cure, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran,). Nowdays he’s realizing electronic musical excerpts alone, or with some musicians, and he boughst new music to propose on his dj set.

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My Interests


Member Since: 3/4/2007
Band Members: ..

Influences: Depeche Mode - Duran Duran - Subsonica - Jamiroquai - The Doors - Cure - Litfiba - Portishead - Massive attack - Almamegretta - Mogwai - Royksoop - Booka Shade - Underworld - Radio Slave - Gui Boratto - Joy Kitikonti,Mario Più,Mauro Picotto,Gigi D'Agostino - Paul Van Dyk - Joe T Vannelli - Claudio Coccoluto - Ricardo Villalobos... EXTRA INFLUENCE--++ RADIO DEEJAY --++
Sounds Like:

Record Label: FAHRENHEIT
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

" Out now on beatport "

2 my traxxx in the Fahrenheit family!   THANKS TO: me, mario +,very friends, family, mary, cassiopea, co.ca., fabio lc, a.urso, sisha  and all the music that inspired me...    ...
Posted by ..::Stefano Pagana dj::.. on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:07:00 PST