punk rock, baseball, old new wave, baseball, movies, baseball, books, baseball, medieval history, baseball, US history, baseball, politics, baseball, European history, baseball... oh yeah, and baseball.
Nobody really. I'll just end up disappointed, pissed off and sad.
Supersuckers, Johnny Cash, Gang of Four, DEVO, Elvis Costello, Gillian Welch, Turbonegro, Zeke, AC/DC, Angel City, Pere Ubu, Naked Raygun, Big Black, Miles Davis, Motown, Stax Records, Dusty Springfield
Citizen Kane, The Day the Earth Stood Still, any of the Star Trek movies, His Girl Friday
The Simpsons, Star Trek (any flavor), Trading Spaces, cooking shows, Pardon The Interuption, Baseball Tonight
The Dharma Bums, Ball Four, Stupid White Men, anything about politics, anything about skepticism