Survivor Rocks profile picture

Survivor Rocks

I am here for Friends

About Me

I live in Port Hueneme California(Ventura)Just north of LA.My name is Samantha . I enjoy having fun in life and believe life is too short to not live it to the fullest that you can.I love to watch a sunrise or sunset,and to look at the stars at night.I like to sing,dance and play my music.I love going to concerts,and listening to music outside.I like to rollar skate & ice skate as well and anything outdoors..hiking,camping name it.I also love the movies.I save things that have special meaning to me . I have a diploma in wildlife & forestry conservation and love animals of all kinds.I like sports,especially football,and enjoying going to a game. I have been writing,since i was ten years old ,and find it to be something that i really enjoy.It's a way i can express my inner most feelings;I had my first poem published at ten years old,i was also a campfire girl, a finalist in the Miss Texas American Coed Pageant,was 1st runner up for Miss Photogenic,and was in Whos Whos of America High School Students two years in a row.want to know more..just ask.I might tell.
You scored as ReesesPeanut Butter Cup. You are a PeanutButter Cup. You are a smooth talker and everyone loves you! You are very friendly and have a great personality! You are sweet and easily pleased. You are happy and content with your life.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Hershey Bar


KitKat/Crunch Bar


Skittles/Gummi Bears




3 Musketeers


Jolly Ranchers



*What Type of Candy Are You?* (w/pics.)
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Your Survivor Palau Twin is Ian
Goofy, but an all around nice person.The Napolean Dynamite of Survivor! Who Are You From Survivor Palau?
Which Survivor Palau Castaway are you most like?
Ian Rosenberger
gregarious, laid-back, and passionate
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I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 What suvivor winner ARE You??? ((((With Piczz)))
TOM!!!You are Tom Westman winner of survivor palau. You are atheltic and hard to beat!
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You scored as Mr./Miss Honesty and Integrity, You're Mr. (or Miss) Honesty and Integrity. You play the game as cleanly as you can, and no one can ever question your morals. Like Ethan above, you believe nice guys don't finish last - and, perhaps like Ethan above, you may be able to win. In the end, you always feel like a winner - because you still have your INTEGRITY.

Mr./Miss Honesty and Integrity


Everybody's Sweetheart


Sex Goddess/God


Surprise Threat


Challenge Hercules






Master Schemer

What's Your Survivor Strategy?
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My Interests

I love music,Going to the beach,writing poems and short being outdoors. visit their website for Survivor Fundraiser events. Please,Visit Ethan and help these children.Untapped Contentvisit Ian Rosenberger of Survivor Palau production company site Untapped Content Which Reality TV Contestant are You?
You are the Linz Family from the amazing race. You are a bit cocky but really hard working and cool.
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I'd like to meet:

Friends ,and Survivor fans,
created by Survivor Rocks


All kinds.


I really like something to make me laugh.Comedy is my favorite.Home Alone,Top Gun,Back To The Future,Radiers Of The Lost Ark,Jaws,TLOTR series,Spiderman,Bruce Almighty...and many more.


Favorites are Survivor,Lost,American Idol,Amazing Race,The Apprentice, 7th Heaven.Shows in reruns.Charmed,Friends,Will And Grace, I love game shows..and many more. Which Survivor winner are you?
You're Tina Wesson from Survivor: Australian Outback. You're the "caregiver" of the group. Your tribemates often turn to you for advice, and you're always on hand to help out. Despite the conditions of your environment, you have the heart of a true survivor
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You just won a million dollars! You proved that you can outwit, outplay, and outlast! Rate, please.
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My Blog

Survivor Is Dead

Survivor is dead on my blog as of this season,everything Survivor will be talked about in my Survivor Ian Rosenberger Fan Club Group.So,either,join it,or read my post there,and i won't tell any spolie...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 12:21:00 PST

Pirate Master ~ Ben is Saved ~ Ben,Is the Pirate Master.

Aug.14,2007 Jay is playing all sides of the fence,but does he make a mistake in keeping honest Ben? Maybe...Ben can turn the tables on Jay,and i hope he does.Jay,has played the game harder than anyone...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:30:00 PST

Big Brother 8 - Thursday

Eric is working for you, America, and now you can tell him what to do. Which HouseGuest do you want Eric to get nominated? I told Eric to nominate E.D. I told you America...The pawn always goes home,...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:32:00 PST

Big Brother 8 - Tuesday Aug 14

Eric is working for you America, and now you can tell him what to do. Which one of the two nominees do you want Eric to get evicted from the Big Brother House? It's your choice America. I told Eric to...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST

Big Brother 8 - Thursday

Eric is working for you America, and now you can tell him what to do. Which HouseGuest do you want Eric to get nominated? I told Eric to vote for Jen.Listen to me Eric,so you will be safe again next w...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:00:00 PST

Big Brother 8 - Sunday

Eric is working for you, America, and now you can tell him what to do. America's Player needs a partner. This week, Eric is going to promise a HouseGuest that he will go to the Final 2 with them. It's...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 10:16:00 PST

Big Brother 8 - Thursday

Eric is working for you, America, and now you can tell him what to do. Which HouseGuest do you want Eric to get nominated? It's your choice, America. This was a tough decision between Jen, and Kail,bu...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:09:00 PST

Big Brother 8

Eric is working for you, America, and now you can tell him what to do. Which of the two nominees do you want Eric to get evicted from the BIG BROTHER house? I told Eric to vote for Kail. Jen : She's b...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:06:00 PST

Check out this video: PIRATE MASTER Cheryl we miss you!

Check out this video: PIRATE MASTER Add to My Profile | More VideosI am putting this video on my blog,because of Pirate Cheryl's passing.She is now walking with glorious angels and flying ...
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 08:57:00 PST

Big Brother Episode 10

Eric is working for you, America, and now you can tell him what to do. He may not be Head of Household, but he can still influence the nominations. Who should Eric get nominated? please,Get Kail out.....
Posted by Survivor Rocks on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 10:42:00 PST