This was a horoscope I once recevied:You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy. Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges. Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredomQuick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom.
Oprah and that Special Person that will change my life,not change it, enhance it to the fullest! | View Blog | Add Comment
halloween 2007
I enjoy all types of music depending on my mood, music can heal you, hurt you,give you strengh ,are just give you a sense of peace, like when you roll down the windows of your car and feel the wind in your hair, music is art form !mark broussard, brett dennon,john lennon
I tend to lean towards movies that have meaning and make you think and keep you guessing. these are a few :fracture, unbreakable,the lover, last samurai,the game, primal fear,unusual suspects, braveheart, broke down palace, pratical magic!
OK!: CANE,lost, prison break, hero's, big brother, survivor ! so i ask you all to get involved in charties and support a cause , you can change a childs life or maybe your own! project angel food,Reality for diabities, adopt a grandparent day,acadiana abused,darfur, habitat for humanity. etc!
who stole my cheese ****of course when i finish writing my book hopefully it will be on your favorites! Living my life is just what i plan to do,finding happiness whether it's finding it at the bottom of a shot glass or looking into someone's eyes, or it might just around the corner. I am stronger than I have ever been and what you think doesn't matter to me!
MY MOM , OH AND OPRAH W. P.S.i love who i am and who i have became in my life and and very thankful to for all my friends in my life. this is one thing i can say about myself is my life is just beginning , i look foward to my future and all that it entails.