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Myspace Layouts at / The haunted - Image Hosting
You scored as Life Is Peachy. Your life is definitly peachy... yet you hate it... HATE HATE HATE! You hate alot of things... but it's justified cause alot of people have wronged you...
Life Is Peachy
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My yahoo IM:disturbedbykorn101
I'm not too picky. As long as you are not some stuck up snob who feel like you need to judge me then get lost. Otherwise feel free to add me or talk to me. I love to meet all Korn fans none of you will ever be rejected. Don't mind race fans just don't come here to insult my driver it won't change my mind and I don't care what you think of my man Matt Kenseth!
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Korn, Slipknot, Disturbed, System of a Down,Earshot and many more I don't feel like listing at the moment.
.. width="425" height="350" ....I WAS THERE IN COLUMBUS OHIO!
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CRADLE OF FILTH - Her Ghost In The Fog
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You scored as People=Shit. People=shit.When asked why .."People=Shit.." Crahan says .."We are what we are, we just waste and we ruin and we corrupt, and we destroy,.." so People=Shit basically because we are our own worst enemy, we are going to be the end of the earth and no one seems to give a shit.
My plague
Spit it out
Wait and Bleed