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license plate generatorWe were asked to write a song for Tobey by Paws4Life, a friend on myspace

I heard about you
And my eyes filled with tears
I'm still shocked by life
After all these years
I'm still in denial
I'm still broken up
How can children murder
An innocent pup?
And where lies the answer?
And where lies the blame?
And how can you measure
A puppy's pain?
And where are the leaders?
And those who can teach?
And why is compassion
Just out of reach?
Tobey was precious
Tobey was loved
Now angels cradle
His soul up above
And we who remain
We must fight every day
To save the voiceless
And keep them safe
Cos Tobey was precious
Tobey was loved
Now angels cradle
His soul up above
© Maria Daines/Paul Killington
All Rights Reserved
(mcps) ASCAP
1st September 2007
This is not an isolated case, please support and Texas Humane Legislation Network -
I will only add ye if ye are a animal lover! Most of ye know me by Celtic_Cat but this page is strictly dedicated to animal abuse,vivisection,experimentation only.

"Until the last flesh is consumed
and no more animals are born to doom
Our struggle is beside the weak
respect for life is what we seek
Until the last is forced to entertain
and no more animals are driven insane
For all those beaten to a cower
we lend our strength and our power
Until the last suffers in a cruel test
and scientific fraud is finally confessed
To those voiceless we give them word
until their agonizing cries are heard
Until the last dead skin is worn
and for our usage no animal is born
Relentless battles we must fight
until all others see compassion's light
Until the last abuse has ceased
and existence is granted to every beast
We won't abandon or give in
because this war we intend to win"
~Janet RiddleI Adopted Your Cat TodayI adopted your cat today. The one you left at the pound. The one you had for ten years and no longer wanted around.I adopted your cat today. Do you know he's lost weight? Do you know he's scared and depressed and has lost all faith?I adopted your cat today. He had fleas and a cold, but don't worry -- You've unburdened your load.I adopted your cat today. Were you having a baby or moving away? Did you suddenly develop allergies or was there no reason he couldn't stay?I adopted your cat today. He doesn't play or eat much. He's very depressed, but he will learn again to trust.I adopted your cat today and here he will stay. He's found his forever home and a warm bed to lay.I adopted your cat today and I will give him all that he could need. Patience, love, security, and understanding. Hopefully, he will forget your selfish deed.Anakat says "Thank you" to whoever wrote this.
Learn more at HelpingAnimals.comWarning,video is graphic! I don't have a given name, only a Procter and Gamble cage number, so why not just call me Mr Bunny for the few hours still left to me? It's December already but I'll not see Christmas Day. I've had my pre-torture checkup and been pronounced fit and well by the men and women in white coats; fit enough and well enough to be chemically burned, blinded or poisoned, then eventually killed so that these Procter and Gamble researchers can complete their reports, wash their bloodstained hands, lock up the lab and with nary a passing thought for Saint Matthew's Gospel rush off to celebrate (betray?) the advent of Christian goodness and compassion.And the King shall say unto them, inasmuch as you have done this unto the least of these my creatures, you have done it also unto Me.Yes, I've misquoted your Holy Bible, but so what? If you humans can interpret Genesis 1:26 entirely to suit your own arrogant agendas, then surely one innocent rabbit is equally entitled to misquote Matthew 25:40 to better suit his own terrified point of view.Yes, terrified. What else would I be?All these white coats are bustling around with sterile plastic hoses, long needles, and test tubes filled with toxic or corrosive liquids! So what in God's name do they have planned for me? Will they force feed chemicals by syringe directly into my stomach, rasp off a patch of skin and scrub toxins into the newly raw flesh, or immobilize me in one of their special small-animal restraints then drip corrosives into my eyes? Probably the latter because we rabbits are the victims of choice for this particular form of torture. We have large eyes for our size and this makes for easier assessment of ocular trauma. Easier for Procter and Gamble, yes! But for me there will be no anaesthetics or pain killers or easing of any kind and I'm absolutely bloody terrified.And, so help us all, these same smug Procter and Gamble scientists and their corporative Procter and Gamble masters have the audacity to equate humaneness with humanness.Pray for me please 18th Dec.'98

My Interests

True animal heroFighting for animal rights! I love these pics! A sad poem"Innocence Misused"You were scared when I first took you Shivering into my hands Your body and mind neglected and abused Eyes begging for a second chanceI spoke softly Held you with compassion My heart aching To make you well againI made myself be strong for you When all I wanted was to break I made myself love for you When the cruelty of the world Made me want to hateI flinched a bit When your cage door first clanked I knew what it probably meant Stiffened my spine as my heart sankI saw your eyes every day As they came to light for me Asking that I take you out to play That I lend a gentle pet to your bodyI smiled that you no longer shivered in fright That my once foreign hands now brought you joy I shivered as I tried to maintain my might As I tried not to feel destroyedYour eyes lit for me on that final day As you walked with me in trust I couldn't find any words strong enough to say How it wrecked me so muchHow could no one come for you? How could you be left to this? How could innocence be so misused? How would I ever manage to sleep again?You weren't scared when I took you Trusting into my hands You were still wagging your tail as I injected you And you realized there would be no second chanceNo heartbeat No breathI'm sorry Erin Ní Nualláinneesan
Date: 17 Nov 2007, 13:00

..Stop The Madness!

I'd like to meet:

All the people who have signed on to save and rescue all the animals from experiments,vivisection!Goodbye Little Kitten....No, you little kitten, nobody's let you out, although your picture and cry for help were on display on all the news stands of Europe, where millions of people saw them, and probably thousands couldn't sleep the following night. But this was all they did - and we, too. For a mad moment we hoped that some of those boys who liberate laboratory animals would rush to your rescue, but of course the odds were heavily against it, because the police protect the laboratory torturers and not their victims, heroes are few and far between, and the animals slated to die in the pseudo-scientific laboratories to provide alibis for the drug pushers are millions.Soon you'll be immobilized in a stereotaxic device, so tightly that you can't move your head even by a hair breath, maybe two steel rods will be inserted into the enucleated orbits of your eyes, and two clamps will press your ears so hard that your eardrums might burst - but don't worry if that happens, because it's not going to influence the result of the experiment one bit, according to the catalogues of the manufacturers, Lab-Tronics and H. Neuman and Co, near Chicago, who ship such torture instruments to laboratories the world over. What counts is to keep you absolutely still, while the real action gets under wayWhite-robed devils, disguised as "scientists", will drill holes into your little head, and stick cannulas, sensors and electrodes into your little brain, to repeat on your nervous system pointless experiments that are being done time and time again since the last century; experiments that have never brought forth any benefit whatsoever, neither to mankind nor to catdom, but only to the experimenters themselves, procuring them personal satisfaction, sometimes fame and honors, and maybe even a Nobel Prize as in the case of Prof WaIter Hess of Zurich University - before - it was discovered that all his conclusions were erroneous and must have caused untold harm to an undisclosed number of patients. Anyway, his and his colleagues' pseudo-scientific works still stand, largely unread, in some medical libraries, and little cats like yourself helped them get there.For you see, you were only created to "serve" mankind. Don't you know that? Even the Pope explicitly said so, probably on his assumption that you don't have a soul (which he can't prove, however), whereas your torturers have one (which he can't prove either), since they're "made in the image of God". Some image!And of course the chemistry boys keep repeating it too, the manufacturers of products that are poisoning the earth and killing people by the millions, the governments and politicians on their payroll, the faculty professors and presidents of universities, the media makers who earn a lush living not from reflecting public opinion but shaping it, and even the heads of the big animal welfare societies like the RSPCA and WSPA and Eurogroup and HSUS et al who instead of widely advertising the evident, huge damage that accrues daily to mankind through its erroneous method of medical research, deliberately hide this fact in smokescreens of inane, philosophical babble - as the research community wants them to do, under the pretext that humanity has to be "saved", and that only the sacrifice of you and your kind can do that.Of course, little kitten, by the time you are clamped down in one of their stereotaxic contraptions, you've probably come to the conclusion that humanity can't be all that it's cracked up to be, and darn right you are. In fact, man is the only animal capable of killing his own offspring because it disturbs him in his sleep. And man is the only animal that murders all known species including his own, far beyond the necessity of survival, relentlessly fouls, erodes and scars his habitat to the point of inhabitability, and yet considers himself - just because he can spread more death and mayhem than all the others combined - the most intelligent of all species, and the only one that deserves to survive.What do you expect from such a species, little kitten? But maybe you just want to know why it's always your kind that is being used for the most painful, long-lasting experiments that exist. That's because it's your misfortune that you were born with an extremely sensitive nervous system, far more sensitive than that of your tormentors, but at the same time you are more resistant than most other animals are. That's why.But don't cry out when it hurts, little one. If you do, "they" will cut your vocal cords, because "they" are tender-hearted and can't stand animals' cries. In fact, many are not only great philantropists, but also real animal lovers, who say that they suffer more than you do from the pains they have to inflict on you out of sheer philantropy.And now good-bye, little kitten. May you be dead before the Christmas festivities begin, because in those days you risk to remain for days even without water, immobilised in your device. But don't count on it, because vivisectors like Prof Konrad Akert, top dog at Zurich University and Prof W.D.M. Paton of Oxford - Sir William, knighted by her Gracious Majesty the Queen for his relentless work on cats' brains - and their colleagues have performed these experiments so incredibly often, with idiotic repetitiveness, that they have become quite proficient at prolonging the agony, even if not one of them has ever been able to name us a single patient they have cured of anything; whereas we can name any number of people who have been ruined for life, and even to death, by their obtuse, counter-productive method of pseudo-research.But maybe you can get some kind of cold comfort from the following thought, poor little cat. Just think: from a stupid little head like yours, big men like Sir William Paton - a Professor at Oxford University, knighted by the Queen! - actually hope to find out some day what to do about their own defective brains and the big black hole in them, which worry them so much that brain experiments have become a lifelong obsession with them. Now we must really leave you, poor little kitten. May you pass on quickly. It's really the only thing we can wish to you. Maybe we'll meet some day, in some other world, which can only be a better one.Thanks to Mary Alice, CVFA & Paul at Turtlesco, for their help :)


With Huge Thanks To Cornwall's Voice for Animals for making the banner

From: Cornwall's Voice for Animals
Date: 30 Sep 2007, 12:27


There's only one humane diet!!!
Get free stickers at peta2.comThis kitten and dog were abused in the UK

This is wot a loving primate should look like!Not this!This has got to stop!Please Spay and Neuter,if not then this is wot happens!


Maria DainesLife as a stray in Hong Kong!

why do you raise your hands to me why do you cause me pain why do you leave me all alone through the winter and the rain why do you let me hunger why don’t you quench my thirst why don’t you put me in your heart i always put you first why do you say you want me you do not even care why do you act so coldly don’t you feel my stare I need you more than anything to me your all I know please let me inside daddy please it’s getting very cold my stomach is now hurting I just want one small bite I haven’t had food to eat in many lonely nights I didn’t ask to be here I didn’t ask to die I wish I could ask just one question and that question would be why you could have gave me up you could have been real kind instead you turned your back on me you wanted to be blind and now I’m no longer here and you haven’t given a care just remember one thing daddy just remember my lonely stare-Jen Costa-animal_revenge
From: Dzam
From: sad_animal_ghost
From: *Eurasian Vegan*
From: Fighting for Animal Liberation
Date: Oct 26, 2007 12:53 PM

The GAS CHAMBER Kills Millions Of Animals Every Year
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I am 100% Pro-Life so don't tell me ABORTION IS NOT MURDER!BLESS THIS WEE BOY-CHILDStop The Meth Madness!


Peta,Shac,Alf and all the animal rights movements!PRAYER OF A STRAYDear God please send me somebody who'll care! I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair. My body is aching, it's so racked with pain. And Dear God I pray as I run in the rain, That someone will love me and give me a home. A warm cozy bed I can call my own My last owner neglected me and chased me away To rummage in garbage and live as a stray. But now God I'm tired and hungry and cold. And I'm afraid that I'll never grow old. They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones While I run in the streets just looking for bones! I'm not really bad God, please help if you can. For I have become just a "VICTIM OF MAN!" I'm wormy, dear God, I'm ridden with fleas While all I want is an owner to please! If you find one for me God, I'll try to be good I won't run away and I'll do as I should. I don't think I'll make it too long on my own, Cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so all alone. Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry, Cause I'm so afraid God, that I'm gonna die! And I've got so much love and devotion to give, That I should be given a new chance to live. So Dear God PLEASE, PLEASE answer my prayer And send me somebody who WILL really care...Layout made by Skem9 Admin

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These are for ye to put on ye profiles,spread the word peeps! Learn more about PETA's ABC campaign at Learn more about PETA's ABC campaign at
Posted by keltic_kat on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:16:00 PST

Adam The Kitten

CodeNote: these links will only work on myspace! Click here to find out how to use them elsewhere.Click here to read Adam's touching story!Click here to read Adam's touching story!Click here to sign t...
Posted by keltic_kat on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 06:01:00 PST