Mixtopia / Tranceparency - www.odu.fm profile picture

Mixtopia / Tranceparency - www.odu.fm

EDM Programming @ www.odu.fm

About Me

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My Interests

The Knights of the TurnTable request your presence for TRANCEparency every Tuesday and Thursday @ 2PM Central Time USA, and Mixtopia every Friday & Saturday @ 8 PM Central Time USA on Overdrive Underground @ www.odu.fm

I'd like to meet:

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Overdrive Underground on film? Maybe.


Overdrive Underground on TV? Nice thought!


How To Get The ODU On Satellite Radio - by "Who Can Help Us?"


The Knights & Dames of the Turntable every Tuesday and Thursday @ 2pm USCT/8pm GMT (replays @ 11pm USCT/5am GMT) for TRANCEparency and on Friday and Saturday @ 8pm USCT (replays on Tuesday & Thurday @ 11am USCT/5pm GMT) for Mixtopia on Overdrive Underground @ www.odu.fm!!

My Blog

EDM Programming Schedule Changes @ The ODU

..> Greetings To All! As Overdrive Underground continues to grow, and as we approach our 1 year anniversary online, we have made some schedule changes to our programming to bring slots in a more co...
Posted by Mixtopia / Tranceparency - www.odu.fm on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:17:00 PST

Watch the Kingdom grow with the Global Music Platform and more of the BEST!

Greetings Fellow Mixtopians! It is a new dawn in the Kingdom Of Mixtopia, and we have all of you to thank for putting Overdrive Underground at the forefront of EDM on the internet to stay. Our dramati...
Posted by Mixtopia / Tranceparency - www.odu.fm on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 07:27:00 PST