Cop Watch LBC profile picture

Cop Watch LBC


About Me

COPWATCH Long Beach is a chapter of COPWATCH Los Angeles . It is a program dedicated to the struggle that will end police terrorism through collecting information on and observing police activity, offer support for those caught in the criminal (in)justice system, fight for change without a reformist consciousness, and ultimately work side-by-side with oppressed communities to create Revolutionary alternatives to policing, prisons, and all systems of domination, oppression and exploitation.
Our Goals:
- Form neighborhood patrols within the communities we live
- Offer support to those people and their families harassed, brutalized and/or murdered by law enforcement agencies
- Develop intelligence through research and study groups
- Share resources, education, and trainings with communities interested in supporting and/or creating a COPWATCH program
- Participate in the process of building autonomy, self-determination, and the self-organization of our many communities
Email: [email protected]
CWLA Voice Mail: (562) 252-8501
CWLA Toll Free Number: 1 (877) 8 NO COPS

My Interests

Elimination of this fascist, imperialist, capitalist, racist, sexist/patriarchal, heterosexist/homophobic/transphobic state.

I'd like to meet:

People, preferably who live in Long Beach.


non-corporate, non-commercial conscious music of all genres


low budget documentary style preferred - Legacy of Torture: The War Against the Black Liberation Movement; A Place Called Chiapas


move away from the TV and get out into the streets!!


Fred Ho's Legacy to Liberation: Politics and Culture of Revolutionary Asian Pacific America; Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth; Ernesto Che Guevara's La Guerra de Guerrillas; Huey P Newton's Essays from The Minister of Defense; Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States: 1492 - Present; That's Revolting!: Queer Strategies For Resisting Assimilation; Angela Davis's Women, Race, and Class; Subcomandante Marcos and EZLN's La Otra Compana; more more more


those who refuse to die on their knees.

My Blog

Everyday Police Intimidation (video)

Everyday Police Intimidation caught on film by Cop Watch Long Beach.Over 10 Long Beach Police Department Officers harass one man who was threatened by another man. Officers search the victim and conf...
Posted by Cop Watch LBC on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:16:00 PST

Cop Watch LA Member Arrested in Long Beach for Spitting on the Sidewalk

Cop Watch LA Member Arrested in Long Beach for Spitting on the Sidewalk -JCOn Friday, February 2nd I was arrested and held by the Long Beach Police Department for allegedly spitting on the sidewalk. ...
Posted by Cop Watch LBC on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:14:00 PST