Overview of Projects:*Bus Riders Union *National School for Strategic Organizing *Political Education Department and Publications (go to: http://www.frontlinespress.com/) *AhoraNow, an International Bilingual (English and Spanish) Political MagazineTargets the "opinion leaders of the oppressed"—community activists in environmental, social justice and other progressive organizations, shop floor activists in both union and non-union workplaces, and activist intellectuals, who are "fighting the good fight" but are in urgent need of theoretical and political direction and challenge. *Clean Air Clean Lungs Clean Buses & Stop Climate ChangeA new project focusing on long-term and structural demands to dramatically decrease the public health injuries to children and low-income urban communities due to L.A.'s toxic air pollution through major cuts in auto and diesel truck use and expansion of clean-fuel, bus-centered mass transit. *Center for Transportation Strategies *Community Rights Campaign *Voices From the Frontlines Radio Show on KPFK
People like her:Contact Us!Labor/Community Strategy Center 3780 Wilshire Blvd. Ste 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-387-2800 fax 213-387-3500 [email protected]
Bus Riders Union, Salt of the Earth, The Revolution Will Not be Televised, Battle of Algiers
Mark Anthony Johnson performing These Are Our Stories at the Strategy Center's 18th Annnual Political Party on May 5th, 2007
Katrina's Legacy: White Racism and Black Recontruction in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast-Eric Mann, The Darker Nations-Vijay Prashad, What Is To Be Done-Vladimir Lenin
Malcom X, Fannie Lou Hamer, Emiliano Zapata, Assata Shakur, Ho Chi Minh, Rosalio Mendiola, Gramma Kim, Barbara Lott-Holland ..