Fashion,Creativity,uniqueness,Fabrics,ART,baubles,thrift shops,garage sales, reconstruction,our BELLA,vintage anything,PARIS,chocolate,swell people,mini Coopers,Fornasetti, movies...we run with scissors and sometimes don't look both ways...occasionally,we spend it all in one place!We always wear clean knickers..just in case!CUPCAKES make us happy!
We would like meet those who crave style that is based on a sense of creativity that leads to a style of one's own!We are a prim bunch...please do not send us any photos with too much exposed skin, private situations or offensive language!!We are not adding any bands at the moment unless we add them ourselves,which means we like you or know you and want to support you.We are also very careful about the images we have posted on our page, if your site has alot of skin and skank, we will not add you either, even if we know you, especially if we know you!sorry this sounds harsh, but we have alot of young visitors and want to be good examples! ..
A sneak peek of a few new items now on Etsy! Click on the Stephana Designs banner!Really,it won't bite!
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Little Miss Sunshine,Mozart and the Whale, Anything Jane Austen,Stranger Than Fiction...
Ugly Betty,Diy network,Project Runway,Top Design,What Not To Wear...
Bradley Hathaway,Rob Bell,99 Ways...