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The Missing Leech

Shaking The Underground

About Me

The Missing Leech, alter ego de Maurici Ribera. Inspirat per tota la música que ha anat posant al seu programa de ràdio al seu poble natal Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, decideix a l'any 2003 de formar part de varis grups Marràs i posteriorment The Pygars. Amb els primers va arribar a fer 11 concerts tocant amb grups internacionals com Forstella Ford, Undeclinable, Not Available... Ara és moment d'emprendre una carrera en solitari i veu de les arrels més punk del folk. Se sent identificat amb els folk de tradició punk dels inicis de Billy Bragg a Patrick Fitzgerald, de l'acid folk dels seixanta i de l'indie de Chris Knox. Música, poesia i comentaris musicals assegurats Inici de projecte - 2007 Música - Folk punk Després de quatre maquetes autoeditades i una en directe a La Salamndra . The Missing Leech actuarà el pròxim dia 1 de juny dins del tancament del festival Primavera Sound 2008 de Barcelona. El cantautor de Sant Joan de Vilatorrada que practica antifolk i folk punk veu així la possibilitat de donar-se a conèixer. Va començar la seva carrera en solitari el passat setembre i ja ha realitzat 24 actuacions fins al moment, tenint una agenda ben apretada a seguir. Per una altra banda, durant la Setmana Santa, va realitzar una gira pel Regne Unit i a l’estiu n’emprendrà una de més de 30 dies per Nova Zelanda que s’està acabant de perfilar, però ja compta amb 12 dates confirmades. A més a més, en breu, actuarà de teloner de Happy Band Of Japan del Regne Unit a Mataró i de Toby Goodshank a Barcelona. Aquest darrer actualment gràcies a que la seva anterior banda, The Moldy Peaches, apareixia a la pel•lícula Juno (va ser nº 1 fa poc a Estats Units) i ha assolit un gran renom.------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ From the ashes of Marràs, a Punk Rock band that lasted from 2003 till 2005, Maurici Ribera, after a short stint in the The Pygars, decided to start his own and unique folk punk project in February 2007. Marràs was a punk rock band and ska that shared stage with Undeclinable,Forstella Ford, Not Available, No More Lies between others. They released a demo in 2004 with 500 copies being sold or given and a propper single called "La Noia Marciana"/"Martian Girl" in 2005. The same year Maurici Ribera and Nat Fenoy (a musician from the same area) recorded a rehearsal demo under the name of Illexperimented in a noise rock style, full of distortion and screams. In April 2007, Maurici Ribera released his first demo, composed of four tracks, and is only released DIY in Internet through myspace. Some shows were announed for Summer, even playing in Perpignan. The shows got cancelled so as to make sure the songs where better structured and improved. Maurici Ribera and his radio show Trilogy Rock organized a Spanish tour for Nick Garrie during Easter. Maurici sang several songs on stage with him. In June 2007 Ponç Xercavins, the bass player of Marràs is added to the band and becomes a full time member of the project. Ponç becomes the main guitar player and offer some extra vocals to the music. In August 2007 a second demo is recorded. This time Maurici Ribera becomes again the only member in the band. A third demo was recorded in october and some concerts, since then have been done with great success and spreading fun had never been so easy. In February a 4th demo is recorded and a Live demo recording at La Salamandra aswell. March 2008 sees the musician with a busy agenda to follow and with many projects to complete and touring England for the first time. In April 2008 He is confirmed to play at Primavera Sound Festival in June with the likes of: The Sonics,Devo,Mary Weiss, Public Enemy, Portishead or Dinosaur Jr. Between others. A New Zealand tour is scheduled for next summer in a 36 days' tour.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/24/2007
Band Members: Maurici Ribera - vocals, guitar and sounds.
Influences: Chris Knox, Patrik Fitzgerald, John Cooper-Clarke, Daniel Johnston, Billy Bragg, Mike Absalom, Mountain Goats, Donovan, Regina Spektor, Jeffrey Lewis, Atom and His Package, The Holy Modal Rounders, The Fugs, The Deviants, Ecowar, Toy Dolls, The Adicts,... antifolk, folk punk, New Zealand indie, punk, lo-fi, poetry, novelty, acid folk, 60’s folk, psychedelia, boletaires galàctics, b-movies,...
Record Label: unsigned/DIY
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Missing Leech (Wikipedia article)

The Missing Leech (Folk Punk)   --- Wikipedia.
Posted by The Missing Leech on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 10:39:00 PST

The Missing Leech (local press article)

  The Missing Leech (Folk punk) Menció al final de l'article dels 10 anys de Trilogy Rock (el meu progama de ràdio) al diari Regió 7 - dissabte 08/09/2007 Mención al final del arti...
Posted by The Missing Leech on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 10:32:00 PST