"HOLLYWOOD AND VINE walks the line between dark comedy and tragedy, as we follow a night in the life of five aspiring actors living in Los Angeles, California. This raw, improvisation-based movie unflinchingly shows a stylized world full of actor wannabees, desperate to be seen and get their break - all of who have a deeply dysfunctional side that reveals itself most when they are alone.
Randal Pistol is a pompous sex-addict. Wendy Hayworth is a virgin who lives in the shadow of her recently deceased mother. Chad Lewis is a reality TV star with a chip on his shoulder. Sheila Houston suffers from alcohol-induced schizophrenia. Cristina Rosenberg is a true thespian, but she is socially awkward... and she may have the biggest secret of them all. Our story follows these colorful characters from a mansion party in the Hollywood Hills to their respective homes, where the truth behind what drives and haunts them is unveiled."
Independent Film Lovers, Distributors, Festival Directors, PR folks, Agents, Managers, Filmmakers, Dysfunctional Actors, Lovers of Dysfunctional Actors, Drug Addicts, Insomniacs and "Jacks and Jills of all Trades..."
The Sacred Dice, Kilter Grey, Mike Casciello, Adam Sears, Michael, Josh Blanchard, Jason Webley, The Oxford Set, Birdinimnums, Red Light Strut, Kevin Adamson, Arlan Schierbaum
Hollywood and Vine, Match, Jealous, A Matter of Diplomacy, stay tuned...