Q: Dear Austin Craft Mafia,
Hey! I want to get my own resourceful group of DIY folks together in my town. Do you mind if we called ourselves The Poughkeepsie Craft Mafia?
A: We're so flattered you asked! We would love it if you formed a familia.
We've had many requests like this, and that's why we started www.CraftMafia.com.
Interest in starting Craft Mafias is booming. Because of this we here at the Austin Craft Mafia have refined the guidelines to starting your own Craft Mafia so that we could maintain the highest standards of performance possible amongst our Mafias. We all represent each other so we thought there should be a little bit of uniformity in the groups.
New and fantastic Craft mafia Guidelines (recap):
First, if you'd like to start a Craft Mafia in your own town please let us know right away. You'll want to fill out our handy dandy application Once we receive you're application we'll let you know and then you have 30 days to work out the details, get a website up and running and gather members. After that time we will just make a quick check that you've met our few simple requirements and then you'll be able to use the Craft Mafia name too. However, before you are officially accepted we ask that you do not use the Craft Mafia name in press, on Myspace, on a publicized website or in any other public forum.
Each Craft Mafia must represent a single city and not a region. We have so many Craft Mafias popping up that it's just not fair to have a Craft Mafia that covers an entire region. We also never want more than one Craft Mafia per city we don't want any familia feuds! Even if your town has a population of 215 it can have a Craft Mafia of its very own don't be shy!
We ask that every mafia starts up with at least three members representing three separate craft-related businesses. We just want to make sure that once you claim the name you've already got your membership growing.
You'll need a website of your own so everyone can find you! Please create an independently run website (no one likes pop-up ads!) and that the URL has the name of your mafia in the title (example: dentoncraftmafia.com).
We want to make sure everyone can find you. Make sure that on the website there is a link to each member's website, as well as information about your Craft Mafia, if you are open to membership, hold meetings that others can attend...you get the idea!
Tell us you exist! Pending our approval we will add you to our map to let people know if there is a Craft Mafia in their area. And, keep us informed with your events, press and happenings so we can help spread the word. Email this info here: [email protected]
Link to http://www.CraftMafia.com and http://www.AustinCraftMafia.com from each member's website and join our webring. We will link back to you!
If your mafia receives any press, please make it known that you are part of a larger familia, the CraftMafia.com, and provide our web address with any press releases or interviews.
We have a yahoogroups address for Craft Mafia members to help you and your members navigate your way through the adventures your Craft Mafia will have. You can network there, trade swag or even plan crafting events together! Every member of every Craft Mafia is invited to join. We hope that you'll find this a valuable resource.
Not required, but if you do any print advertising, include a little www.CraftMafia.com somewhere and you'll help promote all the Mafias in the network!
And one more thing, we ask that no one sell merchandise with our copyrighted CraftMafia.com logo on it. However, we encourage you to spread the word about YOUR local Craft Mafia through swag distribution and merchandise sales using your own logo and Craft Mafia name. Go for it!!
Once you adopt the Craft Mafia name we ask that you maintain an active and fully functioning organization. The Craft Mafia is a growing thriving community. If
every member participates every member will benefit. If you do decide to eventually close down your chapter please notify us immediately. We just want to make sure that we're not talking up a Craft Mafia that's not around anymore.
Why do we ask all this? The Austin Craft Mafia is the original craft mafia, and has served as a model group for others. We would like to maintain certain standards of operation among those who'd like to share the widely-recognized Craft Mafia name.
To recap:
Let us know you'd like to organize a group and send in an application, once we email you, you have 30 days to get crackin'.
Start with a minimum of 3 members representing 3 separate businesses.
Designate your city or town- not an entire region or state.
Create a website, your own logo and use: mytowncraftmafia.com/net/org for the url.
Link back to CraftMafia.com and join the Craft Mafia webring.
Link to each member's website on your Craft Mafia website.
Tell people where you got the bright idea in any press you do!
(optional) Consider including 'member craftmafia.com' in any print ads.
Once you approved as an official Craft Mafia you are free to use your Craft Mafia name online and in print!
Sound good? Thank you for asking, and fuhgedabouddit!
Q: How did the Austin Craft Mafia get started?
A: It all began when one person contacted another person and said Hey! I like what youre doing! Im thinking of starting my own small business. Would you like to have coffee with me sometime to talk shop? She said: Sure! Mind if I bring my friend? She runs a small business too. The three met, talked, shared ideas and a great friendship and professional alliance was born. After that, get-togethers to swap business tips, wholesale sources and write off drinks became a regular affair. They agreed that taking out ad space together would be a great way promote each other instead of trying to do it all alone. Together they made a point of helping each other along the way whenever they could. Little by little, more people were brought into the fold, and a larger group was formed.
Q: How do I start my own Craft Mafia?
A: So you want to start your own familia, eh? Thats great! Youll not just be making friends, youll forge an alliance with fellow business people who will provide you with a support network that will help you in more ways than you can imagine.
The main ingredient in make a group like this grow is a genuine interest in seeking out and supporting other like-minded entrepreneurs in your community.
Read our guidelines (recap)
Q: Where do you start?
A: Well, chances are you already know someone who shares you interests or may already have their own business. Approach them for advice. Brainstorm business ideas with trusted friends. Attend craft meetings. See if an entrepreneurial group in your area already exists, and go to the meetings. If not, start your own and post fliers all over the place. Live in the middle of nowhere? Get on the internet and make connections there (Craftster.org, GetCrafty.com, ChurchofCraft.com, Supernaturale.com).
Q: How many people are needed for a Craft Mafia?
A: Even if its just you and one other person, you may become a team to be reckoned with and that will attract others who would like to join forces. Thats all it takes: just one person saying to another: Hey! I like what you do, maybe youd be interested in what Im doing. Want to get together sometime and pick each others brains?
Q: What does a Craft Mafia do?
A: It offers mutual support, information and enthusiasm. Those are the basics. Its up to you how you wield your collective power! It may be by pooling money to take out large print ads together, organizing events where you can display and promote your businesses, hosting trunk shows, or just being there for other members of the group when they need help and advice. Strive to be role models!
I'd like to meet:
Crafty Peeps!
Stylelicious, Knitty Gritty & Craft Lab.