Traditional Okinawa karate, weapons, grappling and The Code of Bushido. Classical music, kubuki and opera. i love surrealism. my roomie would tell you that i am very cultured considering my socio-economic upbringing. dont know if that is a compliment or a digg:) i enjoy the outdoors and cooking for my friends. i believe in putting others first and random acts of kindness. striving to be a better person than what i was the day before.
i also am a grateful student of Master teacher Shizuko Dower. she has been teaching the Japanese ancient art of Mukimono for over 50 years. The Enshu school of Ikebana Isshin Kai. the art of japanese flower arrangement. Brought to you by the samurai. why? Because they led such an intense life that it is believed that flower arrangement would bring them back down to earth in a zen meditation like "mode" for a lack of better words..
This is my cat Musashi. Please introduce yourself.
Gong Li.. eternal beauty and grace. it will be mine.. oh yes, it will be mine. i know one of "yous" dear friends have her phone number and or her address. and if u cant do that for me. Kylie Kwong, Chef owner of Billy Kwongs in Australia. address or phone number, chop chop peeps..
Bei Bei Lantern Festival Performances
crouching tiger hidden dragon, the last samurai, fearless, house of flying daggers, hero, killbill vol 1 & 2 . the warrior, samurai seven, the curse of the golden flower and the karate kid.. anything by the director akira kurosawa, memoirs of a geisha matrix trilogy and Schindler's List. ang lee
The Factor for all of you pinheads.. Hannity and who is that other guy? Hannity's Americia.. the House & The Senate. politics anything that will educate me and arm me against the secular progressives.
authors: mineko koasaki, yasunari kawabata and yukio mishimahref. anything by Ann Coulter, Dr. M. Savage, and Bill " O".. The Factor miser! book of the five rings... m. musashi.. Samurai books on principals etc. japanland and the teahouse fire, living buddha living christ.. karatedo my way of life, my journey with the grandmaster, the spirit of the sensei.
God.. My mom. My mentor and Sensei, John R. Spence. My yellow lab Sami. Sensei Williams. Sensei Wilson.