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medusa netzine

history is made not only by those who show up, but also by those who write it down.

About Me

don't use the telephone
people are never ready to answer it
use poetry
-jack kerouac

Started by a small handful of writers, editors, and publishers, medusa netzine is a literature blog of various authors built around and utilizing the networking and community format of myspace. Each day we will choose one piece of writing and print it in the blog. That's right: 365 chunks of literature per year. Subscribe to the blog. Comment on the poems. Change the world with your thoughts.
The revolution is up to us. We can do this.

From all the submissions we receive, we choose one piece each day to post in our literature blog. Subscribe to the blog, and each day you will receive your daily dose of literature. We will always post only one blog a day so you never get inundated with more crap than you want. The idea is to give exposure to great writing while the writers get feedback from the readers. It's a good little system.

Send your original material straight to our myspace message inbox. One individual submission per email. Be sure to include your name as you wish it to appear and the title of the piece. Not on myspace? That's fine. For non-myspace users, you can email your submissions to [email protected].

1.] The blog format makes it easy to start discussions and leave comments and constructive criticism for the writers. Tell writers and readers how you really feel. It's a great place for writers and readers to interact with one another.
2.] We allow writing of all kinds. Poetry, short stories, book chapters, reviews, articles, journal entries, etc. We don't censor materials (only in titles), and we love your cutting edge, innovative, punk rock, in your face, controversial, political, social pieces. We are not your usual nicey-nicey poetry-only blog.
3.] Anyone can submit, and we accept everyone's writing fairly and equally. We read every submission and try to answer as many messages as we can. You don't even need to be a member of myspace to submit!
4.] Each week we post a featured writer on our profile that your kudos choose! That's right, your kudos hold the power of voting for the featured writer whose writing is posted on our profile each week.
5.] We feature many different contests each month with lots of prizes, as well as many opportunities to see your work in print from our press company. There's something for everyone!
6.] You can utilize the comments box to further your writing and art endeavors. Tell people about your writing projects or resources you find, and use the space to network.

My Interests

[ all featured writers
contest winners
& editor's picks ]


Where I L..

"The Beast in The Man"
by Jason Mink

There's no moon tonight it's nowhere in sight
The stars are also sleeping not even peeking
No hide and go seek they've been gone for all weeks
Not even a shimmer they won't even glimmer
No call no show this dinner has gone cold
We've arrived late for the feast
Piece by piece it's devoured by a beast
He shares nothing grinding his teeth
They become scared and run with their feet
Only one stands still unafraid of the beast
He shares its hunger and its will to defeat
For he has sowed and now will he reap
Beaten with blood war is unleashed
Tortured by screams agony from dreams
What has become of a simple man
Took so much more than anyone can
Strong enough to keep it all in
When nothing is nothing why keep it all in
He chose to release and finish the beast
But the beast is him vanquished in sin
Ripping his flesh he tears from his chest
No longer does it beat his heart's in the street
A new man is born and no longer is scorn
He shall strive for the light and things to be right
Helping all he can help with all of his might
With the gods on his side nothing shall hide
His mercy shall show for a story is told
History has become a mystery
And this mystery is a man fed up with misery.



You get to pick the winner who will be featured each week! The winner is the blog post with the most kudos at the end of the specified voting time. Plain and simple: you wield the power of the kudo, so use them only as you see fit; REMEMBER your kudos are your votes!


"This is a Happy Anniversary (or Abortions are Expensive)" by Maria Anselmo [Jan 14]
"[untitled]" by Elcie Kay [Jan 15]
"Toast, or How She Learned to Stop Believing One Man At a Time" by Eddie Cicero [Jan 16]
"1979 [50th Birthday Tribute to MARTIN LUTHER KING JR]" by Shirley [Jan 17]
"Bridal Station" by Garry Franks [Jan 18]
"Closed Session" by Gradly Bra [Jan 19]
"Whatcha think" by bloowriter [Jan 20]




The editor's pick is where we decide what we like best to feature as a sampling of writing from the blog. Click here to leave comments on this featured piece.


"Federico Garcia Lorca Reminds me of Robert Frost"
by Marc Beaudin

On a night like this
you can hear the ropes creaking
in their pulleys as the moon rises,
and the click and hiss
of each star coming on,
a hum of machinery sounding
almost like wind through the trees
that hardly even look
like they're made of steel

When a coyote knifes the darkness,
you think of sirens.
When an owl echoes your question,
you look for a door to lock,
a window to latch.
You pull your coat tighter
to your chest, and try
to remember that song from Sunday School;
but all that comes to your mouth
is the iron-salt taste
of your own blood.

It's then that you look down two roads
and wish you had paid more attention
to that poem
you had to read for class
and years



any writing with the theme of MEDUSA, and what medusa means to you, namely the greek mythological character, but you can decide if it's a broader subject to you. any format, any length, any style, anything along those lines. deadline is february 8th, so get 'em in to us all speedy-like.

be sure to include your name as you wish it to appear, a title, and "MEDUSA THEME SUBMISSION" in the subject line, even if you are just asking questions about the contest. you may send as many as you like, but each submission needs to be in a separate email. contest deadline is february 8th.


one of my big love affairs in life is music, so we have added some music to the profile, with a fun little twist: YOU get to pick it!

HOW, you ask? by commenting. at the end of the voting time [coinciding with the featured writer of the week dates and posting, just to make it easy and to have a two week delay to allow everyone time to comment], the person with the best, most productive, most constructive comments on the blog for that time period will get to choose the song on the profile.

now take notice of the wording there: it is NOT the person with the MOST comments, but the person with the BEST and MOST CONSTRUCTIVE comments. the point of this blog is to get people to really dig into how writing makes them feel and what might be re-worked to make pieces/authors better, to start discussions about the writing and to really LEARN and SHARE something new, different, open. so we want to reward you for taking the time to read the pieces and leave detailed and constructive comments. this is just one fun little way that we are doing just that.

some small rules:
WE get to decide who is the best commentor; sorry, but that's how it's going to be. if you don't agree with the choice, well, better luck next week. there can only be one winner.

YES, commentors can absolutely win more than once; you can win every week for all i care! just so long as you are leaving good, in-depth, detailed, constructive comments. you CANNOT, however, choose the same song twice. now, if it accidentally happens, fine, it's not a big deal. but we are trying to avoid the same song playing on the profile week after week, because the point is to hear some new songs, have a change of pace on the profile, showcase it as an art piece, not just a theme song. we want to get a sample of the music our readers and writers are blasting on their boomboxes [does anyone still have a boombox?] so we can get to know each other better.

please do not choose songs that are super inappropriate. we have people from all walks of life on here and cannot post any kind of explicit warning that they would see before they would hear it. other than that, it's up to you, and we certainly do not care about the genre - from showtunes to local bands to punk rock to hip-hop to you-name-it: show us your favorite songs. WE GET THE FINAL SAY ON WHETHER OR NOT A SONG IS APPROPRIATE. if it is not, we will simply ask you to choose another song; but most songs, really, are fine by us. this is just in extreme cases.

WE will notify YOU if you are the winner. at that point, send us the myspace profile, url, username, or search email to find the artist, and let us know what song to pick. easy as pie. along with that, you will get a bulletin posted about your song, and your name will be listed on the profile.

then...check out the profile each week to see a new featured writer, hear a new song, and find out about a new contest! and of course, subscribe to the blog, read it, and place your comments every day!


each week, coinciding with the featured writer dates & posts, the person who leaves the best comments on the blogs during that specified time gets to choose a featured song for the week on the profile. check out this week's pick!

I'd like to meet:

anyone interested in this project.


this video is the inspiration for this blogsite:

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My Blog


hey guys!no, we have not fallen off the face of the earth, and yes, everything is all right here.  thanks everyone for the comments and for wanting medusa back.  we will be back here soon.&n...
Posted by medusa netzine on Fri, 16 May 2008 07:08:00 PST

"elemental" by solange garjan

i want the depthsi want to be taken over and underi want to learn to breathe underwateri want the burni want to be taken into and withini want to learn to dance in firei want the rootingi want to be t...
Posted by medusa netzine on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:05:00 PST

"The Kitchen" by r.

Semi fevered from the heatI get up and approach the kitchenMy tiny little kitchenMy dirty little stoveMy filthy little fridgeAnd I look at all the thingsI have squeezed into this placeThis tiny li...
Posted by medusa netzine on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:40:00 PST

"fish with chips" by jeremy yeo

*fish with chips*we're the outsiders, carry on carelesslywhile the insiders are screening us through telescreensin their dream of machines taking our places, it's surrealto work hard for me and work f...
Posted by medusa netzine on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 03:00:00 PST

"Strays" by Tricia Price-Henley

My love still findsno outlet.My acheforced to defenditself againstthe insidiousand arduoustemptations ofless than,lies bitter,bent and boundlike a broken valveturned in on itselfreeking and rakingunti...
Posted by medusa netzine on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:36:00 PST

"Moth" by Bella

The light from the bathroom window casts a golden glow amid black shadows wr...
Posted by medusa netzine on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:30:00 PST

"Expatriate" by Throwback

I am set apartlook over herehere near the edgeof the flat world left abandonedbefore infinite wisdomreplaced infinite wonderthis is the house that Jack builtI live here nowand it shudders in the windo...
Posted by medusa netzine on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:20:00 PST

"Whatcha think" by bloowriter

Whatcha think I'm gonna do?mold myself to you?When you've told me you don't love me anymore.I'm screwed regardlessdesperation now loves methinking of youwhether the moon is full or the skies are b...
Posted by medusa netzine on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:12:00 PST

"Closed Session" by Gradly Bra

Here it is again, the feeling crawling through your spine,like anticipation working its way through your mind.Never know when it's going to stop,it's so alive and dead, dancing on its grave.Can yo...
Posted by medusa netzine on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 12:37:00 PST

"Bridal Station" by Garry Franks

Natas ro Dog eb ot?To be God or Satan?I paint my lips blackOr bridal white.Pull over my skin Man or woman's clothing?Shall I?Paint my fingernails decomposed?Add rouge to my unstable lipsBite blood fro...
Posted by medusa netzine on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:45:00 PST