Digital Storytelling,Video production, Real Estate Investing,Flipping Houses, Spirituality,alternative healing,Vibrational healing,transformation, raising consciousness and much more. I am a lover of life and enjoy photography, film, nature and all of God's creatures. I like drumming and I am learning the didgeridoo. I am very interested in natural health solutions.
I'd like to meet:
Investors, Investor Partners,Jerry and Esther Hicks,Wayne Dyer,Jimmy Page,Tori Amos,Robert Plant,Billy Corgan,Pete Townshend,so many more to mention, and you!
Jimmy Page,Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck, Smashing Pumpkins, The Who, Tori Amos, Johnny Cash, Kitaro, Mars Volta, Rock, Jazz, New Age, Zero Ohms, so many more...too many to mention!
Matrix series, Made In Heaven, The Secret, What the BLEEP Do We Know, The Pursuit of Happyness, many more to be added!
24,Heroes, American Idol, The Lot, Boston Legal,
The Office, My Name is Earl, The Sopranos, Entourage, Big Brother, John From Cincinnati, Celebrity Rehab, The Apprentice, The Amazing Race, reality TV in general.
The Astonishing Power of Emotions, by Esther and Jerry Hicks,Anything by Paul Twitchell, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Wayne Dyer,David Hawkins, David Icke, Robert Kiyosaki to name a few. Recently reading Michael Harrington's, "Touched by the Dragon's Breath"
My Daughters, Paul Twitchell,Rebazar Tarz, ,and last but not least...Jimmy Page...the Greatest guitar player of all time!