Organic greens, I especially like pak choi, curly kale, chicory & romaine lettuce. I also like small amounts of prickly pear & banana. I like basking under my heat lamp or the warmth of direct sunshine on my shell. I hate cold draughts! I like climbing, exploring, meditating, barging, bathing...& sleeping. In the wild when it rains I like to dance! I like anything the colour red!
Male radiated tortoises in 15-18 years time when I am ready to mate! This might seem like a long time to wait but in captivity I could possibly live up to 180-200 years old.
Bass..I can't hear high frequencies! So dub reggae & Hip-hop are my favourites! Especially King Tubby & Bob Marley! I also am feeling Skahlah's music vibrate my shell with some serious bass at the moment! Talking about my shell it is a membrane just like skin and although protective is I can feel when something touches rain drops for example.
March of the penguins, Microcosmos.
Sir David Attenborough mostly..Life on earth, Planet earth, The private life of plants, Life in the freezer, The blue planet, Trials of life, The life of mammals, Life in the undergrowth, The life of birds, The living planet etc.
Steve Irwin, Charles Darwin, Lonesome George