sacredchakras profile picture


Truth is simple; if it were complicated, everyone would understand. -Unknown

About Me

Andrea is currently completing her Master's degree in Psychology at Antioch University in Los Angeles. Andrea earned her BA in Psychology from the University of British Columbia, and also holds a Certificate of Recommendation from the Vancouver Film School's Multimedia program. Andrea loves creative expression and finds that art and spirituality combine beautifully in sacred geometry. She creates custom sacred geometry chakra artwork that is available online at:

Andrea trained to teach Yoga in Brazil, at the Integrative Yoga Therapy's Enchanted Mountain Yoga Center with Joseph and Lilian LePage. She is registered by the Yoga Alliance as a Yoga teacher and by the International Association of Yoga Therapists as a Yoga therapist. She is currently working towards her certification as a Yoga Therapist through Larry Payne's Yoga Rx program at Loyola Marymount University, and teaches beginner and intermediate level Yoga classes through her Sacred Chakras Yoga Teaching and Therapy Center, in real life and on Second Life. She offers personal Yoga therapy and instruction for private or small group sessions, designing custom Yoga classes and programs for her clients for both preventative and therapeutic purposes. All ages are welcome.

Andrea's selection of music for her Yoga classes is being featured on the music site Omstream. You can check it out at: 1

Andrea believes that healing involves an integration of dimensions of experience for a complete unity and balance of the body and mind, which a well-designed treatment plan can provide. Combining her education and experience in these areas allows her to make informed choices on practices that are integral, and allow her clients to see results on the levels of body, mind and spirit.

For more information on the programs that Sacred Chakras provides, and what we can do for you, please email: [email protected]

Andrea also volunteers regularly with the Sprituality For Kids TM program that is run by the Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles.


This art is copywritten by myself. Please don't steal.

My Interests

Love, laughter and fun with good friends! Integral Life Practice. Kabbalah, meditation and mysticism. Listening to music, dancing, living yoga and the healing arts. Psychology. Shamanism. Creating sacred art. Travel and visiting sacred places. Volunteering and helping others. Oh and cool shoes, too! :)

I'd like to meet:

Jivan muktis. Mystics. Yogis and Yoginis. Sacred artists. Unconditional lovers. Angels. People who walk their talk, and have something good to say. People who are in touch with their spirituality and on the path to discovering their TRUE self. Anyone who is actively making a difference in making this world a better place.


Andrea's selection of music for her Yoga classes is being featured on the music site Omstream. You can check it out at: 1


Earthlings, What The Bleep Do We Know, An Inconvenient Truth, Akira, Baraka, Blade Runner, the Matrix trilogy, Ghost in the Shell, LOTR, Dark Crystal, Spirited Away, Whale Rider, Crouching Tiger, House of Flying Daggers, Fahrenheit 911, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Gia, Barbarella, Breakfast at Tiffany's, films with kickass chicks kicking ass!


Sex in the City, Twin Peaks, the Avengers...and way back, Mary Tyler Moore was formative in its own special way :)


Light on Life, Be Here Now, The Prophet, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Ghita, Plato's Republic, The Power of Now, Sacred Contracts, Alice In Wonderland, Snowcrash, Neuromancer, Rumi's poetry, Tao Teh Ching, Sepher Yetzirah, anything by Ken Wilber or Deepak Chopra, Carl Jung, Anodea Judith, Joseph Campbell, the Rav and Karen Berg, Dreamtigers by Borges....Currently reading Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Cope and LOVING it!


Ken Wilber. Ram Dass. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Ghandi. Sri Aurobindo. Einstein. BKS Iyengar. His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Rav and Karen Berg. Carl Jung. Gloria Steinem. Angelina Jolie. Bono. Oprah.Danielle is my pimp-my-myspace rockstar heroine!! :)And Bruno is the hero of my HEART. XOXO

My Blog

Just getting up to speed....

I'm still transferring from Friendster (which I hardly used) to MySpace, when I have the time!  It's amazing who is on here though...I had never given it a chance thinking it was just about peopl...
Posted by sacredchakras on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:00:00 PST