I'd like to meet:
The Älghult festival started out as a party in 2001 and has during the last 5 years become a small, interresting festival featuring bands that are up and coming.
The musical focus is on low-fi, alternative rock and electronica.
Älghult 2008 goes back to its roots, with a higher focus on the creative process. It will be a party more than a "festival". We welcome our friends and the friends of The Space Between. If you are one of our friends/hangarounds, and you wish to visit the Älghult party 2008, please contact us.
Read latest blog post for more info.
Bands that played at Älghultsfestivalen 2007:.
Miss Mimi & the Mysticals (Malmö)
Autohof (Sthlm/Malmö)
Sintesi (Lund/SE)
Tread New Traumas (Gbg/SE)
Wallenberg (IT/SE)
Models Inc. (Sthlm/SE)
Marina Siertis (Sthlm)
Mind Control Hands (Malmö)
We co-operate with friends in Malmö, such as The Space between (club of kraut/psych/space/minimal synth etc.)
Bands played at Älghult previous years:
The Manor (Gbg)
Minutka Square (Sthlm)
Models Inc. (Sthlm)
The Base Ball Field & Mary (Nykpg)
Olle (Sthlm)
Projekt Tanz (Ups)
S. Schwärze (ex Ich Bin laden, GOG, Metal PIP! etc) (Malmo)
Retard Riot (Malmo)
Somewhat pretty (Malmo)
Desinformation (Malmo)
music/ninja (Nkpg)
Marge (Sthlm)
Jssfrk (Sthlm)
Devery (Sthlm)
The Standups (Sthlm)