Sonoris is a label of experimental music (electroacoustic, musique concrete, minimalist, field recordings, improvisation, drone, sound art, ...). We started in 1998 and we have released 24 records so far. We were silent during a 4 years period but we were back in 07. You’ll find details about the label at .
We release compact disc records (no cdr - no mp3).
Out december 07:
Bowline is :
David Maranha - hammond organ, violin, vox amplifier (with Francesco cello signal), glass harmonica, tremolo and distortion pedals
(details about DM here )
Francisco Dillon - cello
(details about FD here )
" Behind Bowline we find the more and more present musician David
Maranha, who was once best known as Osso Exotico, and these days also
works as a solo musician and one Francesco Dillon. He is from Italy and
studied the cello. These days he is a member of Alter-Ego (see Vital
Weekly 602 for their work with Gavin Bryars) as well as playing with
people like Matmos, Pan Sonic and Scanner. A man of many talents. Here
too Dillon plays cello, whereas Maranha gets credit for ’hammond organ,
violin, vox amplifier (with Francesco cello signal), glass harmonica,
tremolo and distortion pedals’. Of the four tracks , the first is the
most silent one, taking several minutes to get started. Like with so
many other projects of David Maranha, in which ever form it takes, this
is a work of minimalism. Of sheer, utter minimalism and what beauty,
once again. The careful strumming of various string instruments, the
drones added, sparsely of course, from the other instruments. Three
short tracks which
eventually culminate in the fourth track, which takes up about
two-third of the CD and in which the three previous excursions return
but glorified. Everything comes together here. If you love Osso Exotico
or any of the works Maranha did after that, this is will be a most
welcome addition. Also fans of traditional minimal music, especially
Lamonte Young will find this a great release, I’m sure of that." (Frans de Waard - Vital Weekly 605)
"Bowline : Francisco Dillon, violoncelle, et David Maranha, orgue
hammond, violon, électroniques et traitement du signal. Le premier joue
dans l’ensemble Alter Ego (voir leur travail récent avec Gavin Bryars),
le second au sein de Osso Exotico, et de plus en plus actif aujourd’hui
sous son nom ou dans d’autres projets. Encore une
fois, il s’agit de minimalisme dans la grande tradition états-unienne,
bourdonnements et nuages d’harmoniques, accumulations et textures
résonantes, sans nier la puissance du sonore et l’expression du musical." Metamkine
Orders are welcome through our website .
Previous releases (feb. 07) :
Kozo Inada - J[]
A densely layered and strong sound work, with slow rises and falls, hypnotic loops and some ruptures that give texture to silence. A sonic journey into aerial and hypnotic universes sometimes also visited by Phil Niblock or Hafler trio.
« Inada’s music sucks you really into it when played loud, it hardly leaves you anything other to do. It’s sound that really locks you in.» (Vital weekly)
Steve Roden / In Be Tween Noise - The radio (reissue)
"Perhaps I exaggerate, but this is a magical, beautiful piece that should not be missed." (Ampersand Etcetera)
« A particularly modest form of genius » (The Wire, included in best of 2000 experimental cd’s)
David Maranha - Piano suspenso (reissue)
"This is a great and physically affecting slab of sound, where the slightest minimal shift causes tectonic plates to groan. It’s gravy train stuff for fans of Maryanne Amacher, Arnold Dreyblatt and – perhaps Maranha’s major influence – Phill Niblock." (The Wire)
Projects : Francisco Lopez / Michael Gendreau 2cd, Seth Nehil cd, Jean-Michel Rivet cd,Yannick Dauby cd, Thomas Tilly/Tô cd, eRikm and maybe some reissues. Nothing is sure, these are only projects at the moment (sorry no release date).
Our release plan is full for 2008.
Thanks for reading.
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