Made By My Friend Steffanie..
This is one my friends Annah Moore... She is in my top friends.
If you like Hardcore Kick Ass Heavy Metal go add her
She Rocks!!!
Life is about balance; about being in tune with yourself so that you can be in tune with everything, and everyone, else. When there is no peace within, there can be little or no peace in our lives as a whole. We only get one shot to do this, to live, to learn, to enjoy the most precious thing of all: the time that we have on Earth. Don't waste it being miserable. Don't waste it because of fear. LIVE life. How can we live our lives when we are not even ourselves? That is not living... that is waiting to die, or worse... that is living dead.
I will live my life to the fullest extent possible, or I will die trying.
Annah Moore