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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I want to cure this world of all the causes of pain and suffering. I want to uncover the secrets of life that teach us how to overcome all of our obstacles. I want us all to know what Love truly is so that we can find it in each other to bypass all of our judgments and differences; to simply learn to love and accept one another. To discover our interconnectedness instead of focusing on our separateness- that's how we form unity. I want to create a family out of the whole world. I want to create a place where we can each feel free to explore the imagination and creativity within us and each other, and use our gifts and talents as a cohesive unit to create what has never been experienced before. Though our individual stories may differ, the theme remains the same. We are all, at our core, seeking the same thing in this life- unconditional love and acceptance. We want someone to love those unlovable parts of us that we try to keep hidden; we just want someone to love us past our pain. My wish for you is that you never stop seeking it, and never allow anyone, including yourself, to convince you that it isn't possible to achieve- it's there, right there in your heart, waiting for you to embrace it; you don't have to go anywhere or do anything, you just have to learn how to access it and allow it in. This is not about changing who you are;it's about unleashing the True You buried deep inside. It's about recognizing the truth of who you are and transforming your life based upon that revelation. Are you ready to come face-to-face with who you really are? Are you ready to stop playing the roles you've had to play to fit in or get ahead?Have you endured enough pain that you're ready to reach out and be lead to your Truth-to that place where all you seek and desire can be found? When you decide you are worthy of your gift of life, I'll be here waiting for you; I'll help you create your own unique, extraordinary experience.It's a simple step, but I know it's not easy. Each moment comes with it a decision to move back or to move forward; with each moment we are choosing to forge ahead and live life, or fall back and exist in a slow death. God places before us Life & Death, and we're told to choose life....between you and me, isn't it about time we choose? Much Love,Karma. Come visit me: www.karmajoelle.com or www.totalfreedomalliance.com
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My Interests

Unconditional Love

I'd like to meet:

Like-Minded People, Kindred Spirits!


All Kinds Of Music


Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy


Too Many To List


God, My 3 Boys, Martin Luther King Jr.,

My Blog

My Bio!

Karma Joelle, founder and creator of the upcoming  Total Life Transformation Institute, as well as the Life Success Development Corporation, is a highly sought after Certified Fitness Trainer, We...
Posted by Karma on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:53:00 PST


CREATIVE DEVELOPEMENT & ENHANCEMENT Our intuition is one of the greatest gifts and keys we have in life! If we even knew how different life could be if we accessed it and unleashed our creative...
Posted by Karma on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:31:00 PST


Testimonials Take a look at just a few among many, whose lives have been forever changed   "I had battled with depression and bouts of suicide since my early teenage years. Over the years, I hav...
Posted by Karma on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:28:00 PST

Unified Oppurtunity

   I am absolutley passionate about helping people gain exposure for their gifts and talents in whatever services they provide for others. When you join our team, you are able to cre...
Posted by Karma on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:26:00 PST

Have You Ever Wondered Why...

  Free Initial Consultations   Many of us sit back and complain, wishing our lives could change and be different, but because we perceive change as difficult and uncomfortable, we never ste...
Posted by Karma on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:22:00 PST

Will You Join Me....

 As like-minded individuals,we can begin the process of empowering a nation of people who understand that we don't have to live in the shadows of fear, hatred, suffering, and despair; we don't ha...
Posted by Karma on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 03:39:00 PST

Is This You?.......

"I want to take the bag off my head and tell you the truth about myself. I've never felt unconditionally loved. All my life, I've felt empty, alone, and afraid most of the time. I've tried to fill my ...
Posted by Karma on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 02:00:00 PST

Can I Do This?.......

On the road to "Can I Do This", we often fail to see that we are 'doin' it'! We're 'doin' it' every time we allow our vision to be larger than our circumstance; every time we allow the inner voice of ...
Posted by Karma on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:06:00 PST

Here's The Contact Information You've All Been Requesting...

First, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for showing me so much love! I've only been signed on to MySpace for 3 days, and already over 500 of you have signed on as a friend; you have n...
Posted by Karma on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:28:00 PST

I Need To Know......

Is my life my own Or does someone decide If I sit in the back Or drive my own ride Can I be who I Am And trust I'll be loved Trust that they'll accept me As the One who dwells above Or should I re...
Posted by Karma on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:19:00 PST