Sage Emeralds profile picture

Sage Emeralds


About Me

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Sage Emeralds is an evil scientist born of the coast of Norway...Sage Emeralds is a pioneer...He is the first black man to own a speedboat..he is the first puerto rican to ride an airplane, and he is also the first asian pornstar...Sage Emeralds is an inventor...He invented toilet paper, he invented the toaster, and he also invented the newspaper...Sage Emeralds won the nobel peace prize in 1967 for the nuclear annihalation of circus clowns...Although Sage Emeralds has accomplished many things he still has many goals... his goals: 1) score with an asian chick 2) score with 2 asian chicks at the same time 3) score with 4 asian chicks at the same time live on the internet... Sage Emeralds was incarecerated in 1985 for distributing crack and extasy to eskimo's near the himilayas...He escaped prison and fled to mexico where he had 13 illigitamate children...all of his children were put up for adoption and were recently adopted by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt...He currently works for the Russian Government as an evil scientist...By reading this you have just surrendered your rights as a human being...right now a short yellow bus is on its way to your house to pick you up and export you to an undisclosed location off the coast of Thailand where you will spend the rest of your life working in a sweatshop making the toys that come with the happymeals at Mcdonalds...RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN...

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Member Since: 2/14/2007

Sounds Like:

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Major