i LoVe pLaYin BaLL...cHeVy's, sHopPinG, cLub HoPPin, tRaVeLinG, cuTe bOyz LOL, faShiOn, paRtieS, reAdiNg, HEMI EngInEs, mUsiC, $2 drInk SpeCiaLs, thE fAst LifE, ESPN, BET, MTV, shopping [i think i said that like 3 times]
hmmm thats a tuff one...but off the top of my head:Boris Kodjoe[finest man on earth] , Will Smith, Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Sanaa Lathan, Tyra Banks, Dwayne Wade, LeBron James, Baron Davis, Michael Vick, George Clooney && maybe you?!?!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
MoStLy HiP HOP aNd R&B[i love slw jamz] LiL WaYne, keyShia CoLe, aVaNt, T-PaIn, 50, T.i.,LetoYa LuCketT, beYonCe, CoMMoN, taLib kWaLi, tWistA, JaMie foXX, chRis BrOwn, tHe tEaM, tYreSe, bAy MuzIk...
LoVe & BaSkeTbaLL, puRsuIt oF hAppiNeSs, i RobOt, fRidAy, aLL AboUt ThE BeNjAmins, mEaN giRLs, bAd SaNtA, mR. & mRs. SmIth, hiTch, hUstLe & fLow, wEddinG CraShErs, hOnEy, dOdgeBaLL, OceAns 11 & 12, huStLE & FloW, wHat WoMeN WanT, rUsH hOur 1,2, & i hopefully 3...
FrEsH PrInCe Of Bel AiR(I love Will Smith), tHe ConTenDeR, fLavOr Of LoVe, SeX & The CiTy, JaMiE FoXx sHow, sPorTsCenTeR, MaKinG dA BaNd, OnE oN onE, fLavOr of Luv, I LOvE Ny QuiTe FrAnkLY, tHe BeST dAmN spOrtS ShoW pEriod, NFL & coLLegE fOOtBaLL, NBA {loTs oF ESPN, i kNoW im WeiRd}, WaYanS bRoS.,LaGunA bEacH, rEaL wOrlD, sEinFeld, KinG of QuEEnS, EveRyboDy LoVes RaYmoNd, dAys Of oUr LiVes, LaW & OrDer: SVU, fRiEndS, and lots more...
CoLdeSt WinTeR EvEr, fLyy GirL, aDDiCTed, kIte ruNNer, a ChiLd cALLed It, ThEre EyeS wErE wAtcHinG GoD
GOD, mY DaDDy, mY UncLe, and mY gRaNdMa