Praise God,
He has bought me a looooooooooooooooonnnnnggggggggg way!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank Him and give God all the praise. My name is Chana D- Trahan Senior of the greats. I belong to and sevre at Word on the Move Ministries. I'm happily married and have been blessed with 4 beautiful gifts from God. Our son Jaieden Prince Chana Trahan has went to glory. He was born 10/27/07 and saved my life 01/17/08.....(RIP) Dont dare allow yourself to feel sad. God is an awesome, A Great God, who continues to reigns on OUR behalfs'............. I was born in the land of nuTs, East Oakland, CA. I'm now 30 and 3/4 closer to greater wisdom and knowledge of Apage loVe, peace and God's will. I strive daily to decrease in me and Increase in God more..... "To know the things of the world, but want - be none of it".....I understand without knowledge we perish..... I will only DIE oNce(fLesH)....then Live ForeVer... for WE arE the SEEd of AbrAham.........Be blessed in all that you do.....
Let's go................
PS.............. Enjoy the music.......Hey CheCk Out My ChrucH WeBSiTe.My Pastor, Dr. Pastor Ray Richardson (Word On The Move Ministries) Come Praise with us at 700 Port Chicago Hwy.....Shore Acres Plaza
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