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Wednesday Jan. 10, 2007
Greetings and Happy New Year! I hope the best for all of you in 2007.
So far mine is not good. I have had 2 surgeries in the past 3 months and I am due to have another tomorrow, that is why I am writing this. Due to this recent news I will not be able to attend to this profile as I would like for probably the rest of January. This surgey is the same as the last and I know how horrible I will be feeling.
However what I ask of all of you is to not let this profile go stale. Keep posting you comments, events and such that are coming up, even your banners and other links.
This profile is growing ever so slowly and want to keep it growing.
I am planning in the future to have Eccentric Souls II up, though I was hoping to have it up and running by Feb. though now it does not look that way, plus I have so much to catch up on with welcoming those that are new to Eccentric Souls.
What is Eccentric Souls II? Well for now I'll just keep you guessing, unless you had read my bulletin posted last month.
~Vikki~ w/ Eccentric Souls
Well we come from a small town in Elk County Pennsylvania, population about 2000. We Like anything dark a creepy. Halloween should be 365 days a year. I (Vikki) look like the "norm" but am a freak inside. WE DO READ EVERYONES PROFILE!!! Vikki has another MySpace profile if you want to know the other side of her or just want to be added as a friend,(however I she doesn't take band requests) go to: ~~Eclectic~~
Just so you know up front we are no major promoter, yet, it is a dream however to get more deeply involved. So far We're here to do online promoting mostly on Myspace, that's the best we can do for now. We want to have our own website in the worst way but don't have the money right now to do what we want. We don't like anything half-assed done, and so the wait goes on.
**Please Do Not Add Music to this Profile...YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!**
We created ***Eccentric Souls*** to bring together the artists on MySpace, give them support, let your work be known to others, and perhaps to find others willing to become involved with your projects.
If you are a, Musician: genre: Please read carefully Goth, Industrial, Death/Scream Metal, Hard Rock, Old School and New Metal, Trance/Techno, Ambient, or Anything Dark and Creepy, send an add me!
If you're into:
Film (Horror)
Painter/Mixed Media
Models; Goth, Glam, Fetish, etc.
Goth/Glam clothing designers
Graphic Design
If you fit into anyone or all the catagories please feel free send an add request.
Please note, for now we are only promoting online...We are not doing any bookings!!
AND Please! NO Britney Wannabes and No Country or Hip Hop!!!
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