Local Lions Club,Drummer Cafe,Music of all types, working around the house, and playing my new drums. I also have a great collection of cymbals. Zildjians, Sabians and Paiste. Some are as old as I am and worth a good buck.Along with my new Tama Drum Kit, I have a 1975 Ludwig Kit I bought new and it's still in fine shape.Tough getting parts for it without paying a mint for them.
Neil Peart, Ringo and Billy Cobham. Each one has a style all their own. Different as night and day, yet very interesting and exciting.
I'm really into all types and picking up new things all the time.I can listen to jazz and Blues all day and half the night. I'm not to pleased with what they call Rock today. Guess I'm showing my age with that remark.
I haven't been there in years. Don't have the time.
Here is where my movies come in, I enjoy the old John Wayne war flicks and some of the new ones out. Full Metal Jacket was good and I've seen it many times.
I'm not much for reading unless it has a Drum on the cover.
Any one who is willing to take on the World of Music and has the strength to forge ahead and not take a step backwards.