Photography, music, movies, good food, laughter, my dog, my cats, my cameras, my work, drum making, learning new stuff, ..... And of course, Mrs. Christine J. .. you know who you are Blondie!
Anyone who's Halfway intelligent.. Creative People, smart people, funny people, cool people.....
The Who,All in Blind, Aurora, Billy Joel, Big Shot, U2, Unforgettable Fire, Led Zeppelin, Green Day, rush, The Ramones, The Red Hot Chillipeppers,Sex Pistols, Johnny Cash, sinatra, Bobby Darin, Old italian songs,Louis Prima.. and too many more to write down here.
Who killed the Electric Car?, An Inconvienent Truth, Clerks, Clerks II, The Sopranos, GodFather, Good Fellas, Casino, Gangs OF New York, The Green Street Hooligans, The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, many, many others
The Simpsons,American Dad, The Sopranos,Scrubs, Everybody Loves Raymond, The office, My Name Is Earle, Surface, Prison Break, Mash,House, Survivor Man, flip this House, and at times, The Learning Channel, The History Channel, and National Geographic Channel, The Science Channel.. No lame-ass MTV ( It sooo Sucks!) and maybe some VH1 every now and then when I get extremely bored and feel like poking my eyes out with a fork!
anything on Viet Nam. text books, Stephen King.The Weathermakers by Tim Flannery.. if you want this planet to last another decade, you'd better read this one..NOW!! Anything by The Dalai Lama...Anything om Photography...
Hero worship is NOT cool..... But I do Admire.. My Parents, My Wife, My Friends, The Guys at work.. and anyone who can decide what it is they want out of life and actually go for it and obtain it!
1. me, when my head was shaved, about two years ago!