Member Since: 2/10/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Guillaume: voix lead + gratte / Benoit: gratte / Jerôme: Basse / Marin: Synthé + voix / Alexis: Batterie
Influences: Bob Marley, Dub Incorporation, Babylon Circus, Big Mama, Catch22, Danakil, Groundation, Guerilla Poubelle, High Tone, IAM, Israel Vibration, Jabul Gorba, Jah Cure, Jah Mic, Eska Crew, Massa sound Crew, JahWise, John Butler Trio, K2R Riddim, Kana, Kayans, La Rue ketanou, Leptik Ficus, Les Assoiffés, Les Béruriers Noirs, Les Caméléons, La Ruda Salska, Les Ogres de Barback, Ludwig Von 88 Lyricson, -M-, Mad caddies, Manu Chao, Marcel Et Son Orchestre, Damian Marley, Ziggy Marley, Matisyahu, New York Ska Jazz Ensemble, Outrage, NoFX, Patates Rats, Patrice, Percubaba, Peter Broggs, Reel Big Fish, Refused, Rutabaga, Saïan Supa Crew, Seeed, Sinsemilia, Skamurai munchies, Union Jack, Ska-P, Skarbone 14, Sniper, Steel Pulse, Strike Anywhere, Tagada Jones, Téléphone, The Gerbs, The Kooks, The Police, The Skatalites, The Toasters, Tiken Jah Fakoly, ToTo, Tower Of Power, Tryo, Warrior King, Black Thunder, Black Sheep, Skapsom, RATM, Queens of the stone age, Poulycroc, Issue De Secours, La Sentence, Prince, James Brown, Max Romeo, Five Knuckle, MAP, Cellule X, Europe, Arctic Monkeys, FFKK
Sounds Like: ska/punk/reggae music
Record Label: Non signé
Type of Label: None