Erin profile picture


I'm just sayin'

About Me

Someday I hope to take myself very seriously and snuff all joy from my life. Until then I'm a goof.

My Interests

Sadly- I love reality TV- the worse the better. I love watching people I don't know make complete idiots of themselves. I like other stuff too. I just don't think you really care.

I'd like to meet:

My husband, on a tropical island, without our children.


I love it all. Country. Bad 80's. Bad 90's. Just no speed metal or folk music.


Fletch, Broadcast News, About A Boy...


Why, oh why haven't they made a Paradise Hotel 2?


David Sedaris makes me laugh out loud. No, really- you should watch me read his books. Good times.


David Sedaris, Dave Eggers- there's others but really shouldn't you have your own heroes?