ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt profile picture

ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt

I am here for Networking

About Me

WWW.THEFRUSTRATEDCARTOONIST.COMAbout me? Well, funny you should ask (although I don't think you asked at all)! I'm just a frustrated cartoonist, writer and avid collector of coupons from the free-clinic. I've been doing drawings forever (well, since MySpace), and have interned (and written a bit) for MAD Magazine, and other publications. Some would say that I have a habit of typing out long, drawn-out introductions in the 'About Me' section.This whole site is just a little insight (get it, I used 'sight' in a clever way twice! Ha!) Though we are not sponsoring the NFL this year (they just wont pick up my commercials for this website) you may have seen some of these cartoons in trash cans across town.If you really want to dive into the work of 'The Frustrated Cartoonist', go to and see it in its full splendor. It's a great way to waste time!
Visit PAPERSCAPE.US Blogs - Economy - The Frustrated Cartoonist MySpace Blog

My Interests

Midget tossing, petting zoo's and the toy underneath the cereal in a box of Cap'n Crunch..


I don't know what is better...either the talking guitar solo on Peter Framton's, "Show Me the Way" or the end of Steve Miller's, "Fly Like an Eagle" five minute synthensizor solo? Actually, I think 'The Wiggles' beat out both of them.


Charlie Brown movies really talk about some deep stuff and that is all I can think of...


Local violence on the six 0' clock news really brightens up the day


I can't read


Anyone who reads my stuff!

My Blog


Copyright 2008 Nate Fakes   MoRe FruStrAtioN Added DaIly By HeaDiN' To the LiNk BelOW!! ThE FruStraTed CaRToOniSt OnLinE  ...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 01:35:00 PST

Where Are You From?

Sorry for the lack of blogs recently.  We are still in the transition stage of having a new wife, new studio, new city and a new white hair that actually popped up on my head.  However much ...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 06:44:00 PST


Copyright 2008 Nate Fakes   ChEck Out DOuBle The FRuStraTion OnlIne By ClICkiNg HERE...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 11:41:00 PST


Copyright 2008 Nate Fakes MoRe AT ThE FruStraTeD CarToOnisT OnLinE 1 SoURce foR QuaLity FruStrAtiOn OnLinE!!...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 05:53:00 PST


Copyright 2008 Nate Fakes This was one in the recycling bin for awhile, but I thought maybe some sucker might enjoy it!  Happy 4th! MoRE @ WwW.TheFrUstRATedCarToOnIsT.Com Adding more junk to the...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 07:57:00 PST

Back From Break

Copyright 2008 Nate Fakes In the spirit of returning after late nights on vacation and a trip to Mexico, the editors found this strip appropriate for the first returning comic in a month! More At WwW...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:39:00 PST

Day Job and Rays Mob

The beginning of a summers worth of The Frustrated Cartoonist has started out as planned: frustrating. The first panels of drawings have ink smears on the borders, and some of the technicalities of g...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 03:49:00 PST

Saturday Splendor

So as of today I'm still not totally unpacked and settled into the new studio, but that's okay.  The call of duty is yelling my name to get productive, so even minor setbacks like moving can't pu...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 03:08:00 PST

Another Frustrating Return...

Run while you can!  Yesyou heard right, folks.  Why would that be?  Is it because MySpace is about to gently seep into your mind and take control of your destiny (which could include H...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 07:28:00 PST


Copyright 2008 Nate Fakes MorE aTWww.ThEFruStRaTedCarToOnIsT.COmThe FrUStraTed CaRtoOniSt OnLine ...
Posted by ThE FrUstRatEd CArtoOniSt on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:52:00 PST