Ted Rall once wrote this about my weekly comic strip: "'Smell of Steve, Inc.' is to cartooning what the dada movement was to art – a brilliantly absurd self-parody, better read than imitated…" PULSE once wrote this: "Smell of Steve, Inc. is a printed page tuned to an alien frequency -- as if the very paper you hold is receiving coded transmissions from a rogue space brain."There's a collection of my comic strips coming out in March, 2009. It's called PLANET OF BEER!: A SMELL OF STEVE TREASURY.Non-myspace e-mail: smellofsteve@gmail.com
My Interests
Canned Hamm, Laura Veirs, Queen, Blood Brothers, Jollyship the Whiz-Bang, Ed Hall, Cheap Trick, Scott Weiland's solo album.
My Blog
Mr. Gimcrack Takes a Backseat To The Sponge (a poem)
Mr. Gimcrack Takes a Backseat To The Sponge
There is an unspoken rule
Here in the Gimcrack Chevy
That nobody but Mr. Gimcrack can sit
In the highly desired "shotgun" spot.
But today
That has changed... Posted by Brian Sendelbach on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 08:00:00 PST
Construction Workers Poop Out Wrenches (a poem)
Construction Workers Poop Out Wrenches
Yes, and it's very painful for them.
Most of them wish they could poop out
Other things
Like normal, regular poop
That the rest of us poop
But they just can't
... Posted by Brian Sendelbach on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 03:24:00 PST
article I wrote about childrens publishing for Baltimore City Paper
http://citypaper.com/special/story.asp?id=16746 Posted by Brian Sendelbach on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 06:21:00 PST
PLANET OF BEER! catalog listing & Amazon link
Dark Horse is proud to present & actually, make that giggling manically as we present one of the silliestyet most subversive and darkly funnycollections of comics you'll see this year. Planet of Bee... Posted by Brian Sendelbach on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 11:52:00 PST
PLANET OF BEER! A Smell of Steve Treasury
Greg Stump of Seattle, Washington suggested this as the title of my strip collection:
PLANET OF BEER! A Smell of Steve Treasury
Posted by Brian Sendelbach on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:39:00 PST
Dark Horse is publishing a book of my comic strips
I haven't figured out a final title for it quite yet, but it'll be 144 pages of Smell of Steve comics in full color.
I'm excited about it. It'll be nice to have all those strips in one pl... Posted by Brian Sendelbach on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:18:00 PST
Appearance in GAWKER
Joe MacLeod's "Mr. Wrong" column in Baltimore City Paper (for which I supply the illustrations) just got picked up for the second time in a row by this GAWKER website thing:
... Posted by Brian Sendelbach on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:41:00 PST