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Kimmy the Reds Myspace Site...
Thanks for visiting...
What's it about?
It's all about art...and music...and...
???????????? and some malarky too...
It's ART!!!!!!!...NOT PORN!!!!!!
ya dumbass...
It's not about sex...
it's about beauty...and expression...and appreciation
. . . my featured artist spot... .. . . .. .. .. .. ..
Frida Kahlo ...
* "I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality"
* "I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best"
* "The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration"
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.. .. my "myspace" art gallary of my cyber work.....
.. .. .. cool art sites on "myspace"...check them out...good stuff! ill be adding new ones all the time... Make a SlideShow at MyWackoSpace.comMake a SlideShow at MyWackoSpace.com MySpace Trains MySpace Smiley Signs Dolls Generator Ascii Converter Dancing Lines.. .. .. ..
This is my commitment to my philosophy on art, and all of its forms... I believe art is expression; good and bad... right or wrong... safe or provocative... I chose to use my body as a statement that art is not porn, of which I don't care for... People are unique, individuals with opinions conditioned by time and experiences... If they were taught that the nude body was indecent, or inappropriate, that is how they will see it...regardless of the medium presented... I was raised in this fashion, and understand the bias and reproach that exists towards nudity... There are also those that see nudity primarily as sex and stimulation, and find it difficult to capture a message that may be conveyed in the work... It is a shame on both counts...that they are denied the ability to appreciate the emotion and passion that exists in every piece of art...the person behind it, and why they have to create...
I have chose to use my own nude body in this testimony to bring validity to my beliefs...my faith...that art in all of it's forms is beautiful to some...and offensive to others...and that in itself is a wonderous mystery...I am the last person that anyone would think of posting pictures of myself nude on myspace...I didn't think I would ever do this...but this site has given me the courage to express myself in a safe manner, without the concern of immediate reprocussions...my family and friends are unaware of this site as of yet, and I kinda want it to stay that way...that's the hypocrisy in all of it...there is still a large part of me that will absolutely die when I think of some people I know seeing these...but I have thought that through...and if I want to be an artist...it has to be all or nothing...I must start acting on my beliefs and gut instincts...and this expose' of Art or Porn that I will continue, will be my committment at this time...and we'll see what tomorrow brings...
This is my "myspace", where I spout off about anything and everything that I feel like... I'm always looking for fellow artists, those that "have to" do it....I'll be posting work from my favorite artists as well as some of my own stuff...if you know of anyone out there in myspace thats into art, please send them my way...
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