National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement profile picture

National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement


About Me

Latina/o, Black, Native American, Asian, Arab, and White, Immigrants With & Without Papers—

Keep ACRI Off the Ballot Defend Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity
Build the New Civil Rights Movement
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Falcon Park, across the street from Carl Hayden High School
(N. 35th Ave., W. Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ)
Stop ACRI Page
We must stop ACRI, the attack on affirmative action, equal opportunity, and integration in Arizona. ACRI is the one ballot proposal aimed at increasing discrimination against and inequality for all of Arizona’s minority communities and women. The aim of ACRI is to deny every Latina/o, black and Native American young person, even those everyone regards as our brightest stars, from being able to go to college and become doctors, lawyers, teachers, or engineers.
Deceptively called the "Arizona Civil Rights Initiative," ACRI is nothing more than an attempt by the racists in this state to broaden their anti-Latina/o and anti-immigrant campaigns into an attack against every brown and black person in this state. The KKK-supported ACRI is a ballot initiative to amend the State Constitution to ban all affirmative action programs in Arizona. ACRI would outlaw all the equal opportunity programs won out of the civil rights movement that combat de facto segregation and open the doors to college and job opportunities for minorities and women.
Racism and sexism still structure opportunity. If ACRI reaches its goal of collecting 230,000 signatures before its July 3rd deadline and passes this November, it will drive out Latina/o, black, Native American and other minority students and women from the state's universities. Separate and unequal would be institutionalized in Arizona.
If we unite, we win. Building the new integrated youth-led civil rights movement is the key to victory. Our communities have tremendous power. The new civil rights movement is the real hope for progress, prosperity, freedom and justice in our state. And, so like Martin Luther King and César Chávez, we march.
We march to stop ACRI and all the attacks on the Latina/o and immigrant communities. We march to defeat the new Jim Crow. We march to end second-class treatment for brown and black. We march because when we march together we can see and feel the power we possess. We march because it is the only way for our state and our nation to progress and realize our ideals of democracy, freedom and justice. We march to win.
For too long, the right-wing racists of Arizona have gotten away with scapegoating undocumented people and trying to pit black, Latina/o, and immigrant communities against each other. Their aim is to weaken the struggle for equality. We can end this now. If we fight together and keep ACRI off the ballot, we can hand the right-wing a significant defeat. If we win this fight, we can stop the tidal wave of racist anti-immigrant, anti-Latina/o attacks ripping apart our state.
Keep ACRI Off the Ballot
The only sure way to defeat ACRI is to keep it off the ballot. Mass community mobilizing led by BAMN succeeded at keeping identical initiatives off the ballot earlier this year in Missouri and Oklahoma. We can win here if we can stop voters from signing the ballot petitions for ACRI. The people who are circulating the petitions lie about what ACRI is about. Signature gathers are paid huge sums of money to gather voters signatures and they flat out lie to get those signatures. We need people standing next to them telling voters the truth. We need people telling voters the truth that the Klan backs ACRI and that those who circulate or sign the petition are supporting racism. We need volunteers to tell people DO NOT TO SIGN THE ACRI PETITION.
The days when any racist with enough money can use Arizona's ballot initiative process to take away our rights and opportunities must come to an end.
Latina/o, Black, Native American, Asian, Arab, and White, Immigrants With and Without Papers—We Are All Arizonans
The massive solidarity demonstrated in the marches and walkouts of in spring 2006, led first and foremost by the Latina/o community and actively supported by broad sections of this state, defeated the racist, reactionary anti-immigrant HR 4437 and show the method of mass struggle and unity that can win.
Join us in making clear to the State of Arizona that we need to stand up together to stop the resegregation of our state. Take a stand for the rights of Latina/o, black, and other minority students and women to go to college, and for the rights of all people to live with dignity and to be treated with respect. Become a leader of the new civil rights movement and lead this nation out of the darkness of fear, prejudice, cynicism and despair the hallmarks of the right wing program for America and into the light of optimism, progress and hope. ¡Sí Se Puede!
A great shift is occurring in our nation. The outcome of the national election is still months away, and yet something much greater has already changed: we have changed. Our generation is gleaming with optimism and excitement. For the millions of young people asserting political demands for the first time, what began as opposition to the Iraq war has grown into a declaration of hope for becoming a nation no longer separated along lines of gender and race. It took only a few months for our generation to brush aside old notions that once seemed invincible. Yesterday’s view was that a fundamental change for the better would have to wait until some indefinite point in the future; today’s view is that such a change is really possible now.
This swift change of views has arrived at an important moment for our nation. Now is the time to remove all the barriers of race and gender that deform opportunity in our nation. UCLA, UC Berkeley and the other elite campuses around the country have been moving backwards since they have implemented state bans on affirmative action programs, against the interest of the student body on these campuses and of Latina/o, black and Native American students. While our generation has distinguished itself for breaking the racial and gender barriers to the American presidency, college campuses in California and other places in the country have experienced a fortification of those barriers against minorities and women gaining a college degree. At UCLA and UC Berkeley the enforcement of Proposition 209 has driven down underrepresented minority enrollment to the token levels that existed forty years ago. We cannot accept these conditions any longer, not in the face of a generation so eager to do away with the old social divisions.
Our generation needs a voice to speak for our own interests and aspirations. Our demands for progress need to be heaerd beyond the vote tallies in primary caucuses – we need to be heard here and now. In this state. On this campus. Everywhere. We need our own leaders, and we need to BE leaders ourselves. We are the leaders of our generation. Join us and work to change our society today.
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action Integration and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)

My Interests

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This page is run by BAMN to organize the new youth-led, mass struggle for immigrant rights.
Also add the BAMN page .
BAMN stands for the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary


Click the campaign to jump down the page:

    Join the Brown Armband Campaign Make California a Sanctuary State Fight for the César Chávez Holiday Other civil rights campaigns at the BAMN Myspace page

Join the Brown Armband Campaign!

Spread the campaign nationwide! Send us a picture with your name and city and we'll add it!

    Wear a brown armband for Latina/o equality and freedom. Wear a brown armband to honor the César Chávez Holiday. Wear a brown armband for full rights for all immigrants. Wear a brown armband to declare your state a sanctuary state. Wear a brown armband to stop the raids.

If any administrators give you hassle, show them this Supreme Court case defending your free speech rights.

Find strips of brown material (cloth, ribbon, etc). Get your fellow students, co-workers, family, and neighbors to wear them. Put it on your arm. Wear it on your backpack. Spread the word. This is a symbol of anti-racist unity across the country.


A society whose state resources are expended to break up families and tear mothers and fathers out of the hands of their children must be saved from its own moral depravity.

Millions of immigrants work, live and go to school under a cloud of fear every day in California - fear that federal immigration officers will drag off one of the people they love. The rank inhumanity of that policy is becoming clear to more people. The mainstream media has begun to tell the real story of families being split up and torn apart by the raids. Churches across the country have joined the sanctuary movement.

More and more municipalities throughout California have recognized officially what is increasingly obvious to millions of people: immigrants, irrespective of official status, play an integral, indispensable and overwhelmingly positive part in our state, and in our nation economically and socially. The cities across California and across the country that have officially declared themselves as sanctuary cities are simply recognizing a practical reality of modern economic life. The new civil rights movement stands at the front of the effort to achieve sanctuary status for cities and states all over. Our movement and organization stands at the front of the effort to stop the anti-immigrant raids.

People who are a contributing part of the society are citizens, regardless of where they come from, what forms they have filled out, or what government office they have waited in. The attack on Mexican and other Latin American immigrants is just bigotry and racism. The corrosive effect of having a section of people in a society with separate, unequal and inferior legal rights is unacceptable. The new immigrant rights and civil rights movement will fight and defeat any attempt to impose an inferior double standard of rights on immigrants.

We demand full and equal rights for all immigrants. We demand an end to the raids. We demand that California become a sanctuary state.

    Circulate the PETITION to make California a sanctuary state. Present the petition to your local government, school board, etc. Mail copies to: BAMN / P.O. Box 76137 / Los Angeles, CA 90076 Get your city council, union, student government, church, to take a stand for California to become a sanctuary state. Build the movement! Join or affiliate to BAMN!


Boycott All Schools and March!: MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2008!

We felt our strength and power when we walked out and marched for our freedom and dignity. It was because of our actions that the racist law HR4437 was eliminated. This year we will keep fighting. We are not going to accept any second-class treatment any longer! The César Chávez holiday has been ignored for seven years now and treated as inferior. We all know and understand that the Chávez holiday represents the struggle for immigrant rights and Latino equality in this nation. By ignoring the Chávez holiday, the school districts are ignoring us, our struggle for equality and our dignity, and that must end now! Whether they want to close down the schools to honor the Chávez holiday or not, we are closing them and forcing everyone to recognize our Movement and honor the Chávez holiday!

CIRCULATE THE PETITION to Honor California's César Chávez Holiday!

Download the PETITION ( English Spanish ) and get it filled out at your school, church, or neighborhood to Honor the César Chávez Holiday. It’s a great way to organize in the schools, and to get lists of people and their contact info. Show the petitions to your school board and the media, and mail a copy to BAMN at the address below.
Send petitions to:
P.O. Box 76137
Los Angeles, CA 90076


Local Events and Contacts

Northern California: (510) 501-2435 Email

Southern California: (323) 317-7675 Email

Michigan: (313) 445-1479 (313) 445-1480 Email


BAMN Movie: "Our Rising Strength"
Build the New Integrated Youth-Led Civil Rights Movement!

BAMN interview on Democracy Now!

High school students walked out across the nation on May 1st to fight for immigrant rights and for decent, quality education in our schools. Student walkout organizers from the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), reported on their school walkouts to independent media center Democracy Now!.
You can WATCH or READ THE TRANSCRIPT of the news program at Democracy Now! . Click "Watch 128/256K stream" and advance the video to 28:24 to watch the BAMN interview.

Spanish-language news clip of May 1, 2007 walkouts and marches in L.A. (Univision)

Some English-language news coverage of May 1, 2007

Univision News Report on Walkouts for César Chávez Holiday March 30, 2007:

Oakland Walkout for César Chávez Holiday Mar. 29, 2007! - camera footage

DALLAS, TX: This great news clip from DALLAS on March 28, 2006 shows students storming Dallas City Hall, and, predictably, frightened warnings from media and establishment leaders. (Choose the video called "Students Walk Out, Protest For Second Day") Video

NBC5 Dallas
ESCONDIDO, CA: Watch this video of students walking out in Escondido, CA! (near San Diego)
FRESNO, CA: See this great photo report about the Fresno, CA walkouts! About 500 rallied downtown on March 27, 2006. The movement grew so quickly that by the next day more than 6,000 walked out and rallied downtown!

HUNTINGTON PARK, CA: Watch this extended-length helicopter video (pick the 2nd video in the row) of hundreds of Huntington Park, CA students walking out and getting students at other schools to join them! These walkouts took place on Friday, March 24, 2006 and helped spark the new civil rights movement! (pick the 2nd video in the row)

JOIN BAMN! Build the New Civil Rights Movement!
Add BAMN at the BAMN Myspace site! Click here :

And visit the BAMN.COM site!

Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)
Northern CA: 510.501.2435 Southern CA: 323.317.7675
East Coast: 313.645.9360
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 76137
Los Angeles, CA 90076

My Blog

VIDEOS (submit more videos as comments!)

Here are videos that people posted as comments on our page. We especially want videos of the walkouts! Post your video as a comment on our main page and we'll add it.Apr 4, 2007 7:04 AMCabrillo High S...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:51:00 PST

ARCHIVE - Walkouts, National Day of Action on May 1, 2007

BAMN Reports on May 1, 2007 on Democracy Now!High school students walked out across the nation on May 1st to fight for immigrant rights and for decent, quality education in our schools. Student walkou...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 10:23:00 PST

ARCHIVE - Walkout for Cesar Chavez Holiday Mar. 30, 2007 - News Coverage

NEWS COVERAGE OF MARCH 30, 2007!Appeal-Democrat (Yuba-Sutter-Olivehurst)"Students rally for Chavez holiday""SoCal Students Walk Out of Class, Join Protest" TV CLIPLa Opinion"Exigen honrar a Ce...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 10:13:00 PST

ARCHIVE: Walkout for Cesar Chavez Holiday Mar. 30, 2007 - Older News

3/26/07: VICTORY IN RICHMOND!The principal of Richmond (CA) High School announced yesterday (Sunday) that beginning next year Richmond High School will close in honor of the Cesar Chavez Holida...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:23:00 PST

ARCHIVE: Walkout for Cesar Chavez Holiday Mar. 30, 2007 - CALL TO ACTION

MARCH 30, 2007:HONOR THECÉSAR CHÁVEZ HOLIDAY!Close All Schools, Government Offices & Workplaces on Friday, Mar. 30Para español, vea el BLOGCalifornia has an official state holiday, during which st...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 11:37:00 PST

ARCHIVE: Chavez Walkouts Begin in San Marcos, Escondido, and Vista! - Mar. 23, 2007

SAN MARCOS AREAMarch 23, 2007Students from four high schools in the San Marcos (CA) area led the very first set of walkouts for 2007. The students in the area don't have school on the 30th this year s...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 12:11:00 PST

Call to Action for Young Leaders of the New Civil Rights Movement

BAMN wrote this statement for the May 1, 2006 mobilizations: Call to Action for Young Leaders of the New Civil Rights Movement This is the birth of a new civil rights movement.Download it here: Engl...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:19:00 PST

BAMN Declaration on Immigrant Rights

Yearning to Breathe Free: BAMN Declaration on Immigrant Rights Adopted by unanimous vote at the Ninth National Conference of the New Civil Rights Movement - Los Angeles, California, May 26, 2006 ...
Posted by National Conference of New Civil Rights Movement on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:22:00 PST