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This page is run by BAMN to organize the new youth-led, mass struggle for immigrant rights.
Also add the BAMN page .
BAMN stands for the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary
Click the campaign to jump down the page:
Join the Brown Armband Campaign!
Spread the campaign nationwide! Send us a picture with your name and city and we'll add it!
If any administrators give you hassle, show them this Supreme Court case defending your free speech rights.
Find strips of brown material (cloth, ribbon, etc). Get your fellow students, co-workers, family, and neighbors to wear them. Put it on your arm. Wear it on your backpack. Spread the word. This is a symbol of anti-racist unity across the country.
A society whose state resources are expended to break up families and tear mothers and fathers out of the hands of their children must be saved from its own moral depravity.
Millions of immigrants work, live and go to school under a cloud of fear every day in California - fear that federal immigration officers will drag off one of the people they love. The rank inhumanity of that policy is becoming clear to more people. The mainstream media has begun to tell the real story of families being split up and torn apart by the raids. Churches across the country have joined the sanctuary movement.
More and more municipalities throughout California have recognized officially what is increasingly obvious to millions of people: immigrants, irrespective of official status, play an integral, indispensable and overwhelmingly positive part in our state, and in our nation economically and socially. The cities across California and across the country that have officially declared themselves as sanctuary cities are simply recognizing a practical reality of modern economic life. The new civil rights movement stands at the front of the effort to achieve sanctuary status for cities and states all over. Our movement and organization stands at the front of the effort to stop the anti-immigrant raids.
People who are a contributing part of the society are citizens, regardless of where they come from, what forms they have filled out, or what government office they have waited in. The attack on Mexican and other Latin American immigrants is just bigotry and racism. The corrosive effect of having a section of people in a society with separate, unequal and inferior legal rights is unacceptable. The new immigrant rights and civil rights movement will fight and defeat any attempt to impose an inferior double standard of rights on immigrants.
We demand full and equal rights for all immigrants. We demand an end to the raids. We demand that California become a sanctuary state.
Boycott All Schools and March!: MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2008!We felt our strength and power when we walked out and marched for our freedom and dignity. It was because of our actions that the racist law HR4437 was eliminated. This year we will keep fighting. We are not going to accept any second-class treatment any longer! The César Chávez holiday has been ignored for seven years now and treated as inferior. We all know and understand that the Chávez holiday represents the struggle for immigrant rights and Latino equality in this nation. By ignoring the Chávez holiday, the school districts are ignoring us, our struggle for equality and our dignity, and that must end now! Whether they want to close down the schools to honor the Chávez holiday or not, we are closing them and forcing everyone to recognize our Movement and honor the Chávez holiday!
CIRCULATE THE PETITION to Honor California's César Chávez Holiday!
Download the PETITION ( English Spanish ) and get it filled out at your school, church, or neighborhood to Honor the César Chávez Holiday. It’s a great way to organize in the schools, and to get lists of people and their contact info. Show the petitions to your school board and the media, and mail a copy to BAMN at the address below.
Send petitions to:
P.O. Box 76137
Los Angeles, CA 90076
Local Events and Contacts
Northern California: (510) 501-2435 Email
Southern California: (323) 317-7675 Email
Michigan: (313) 445-1479 (313) 445-1480 Email
BAMN interview on Democracy Now!
High school students walked out across the nation on May 1st to fight for immigrant rights and for decent, quality education in our schools. Student walkout organizers from the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), reported on their school walkouts to independent media center Democracy Now!.
You can WATCH or READ THE TRANSCRIPT of the news program at Democracy Now! . Click "Watch 128/256K stream" and advance the video to 28:24 to watch the BAMN interview.
Spanish-language news clip of May 1, 2007 walkouts and marches in L.A. (Univision)
Some English-language news coverage of May 1, 2007
Univision News Report on Walkouts for César Chávez Holiday March 30, 2007:
Oakland Walkout for César Chávez Holiday Mar. 29, 2007! - camera footage