BIOFrederik De Wilde °1975
lives in Brussels (BE) Frederik De Wilde studied fine arts (MA), audio-visual arts(MA) & followed a pre-education in architecture, studied one year of philosophy and concluded his studies with a post-graduate degree in new media, arts & design at TRANSMEDIA (MA) where he was initiated in software programming.Furthermore, Frederik studied & worked abroad. For instance at the Johnson Atelier Technical Institute of Sculpture (USA) or as an artist and workshopleader for the Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art. He collaborated with Groep-T (new media engineers) at the University Leuven and the University Brussels (VUB).This scientific touch is blending in his artistic practice. For example; the project ’Still Things,’ a multidisciplinary three-part project in the interstice between installation, performance and visual art. Cryogenic applications where used to stop or at least challenge biological processes and therefore, time itself. Together with art historian Ils Huygens he researched the process of freezing time.Frederik is regularly commissioned for making video-clips, trailers, soundscapes (The Kaaitheater -NRK, Argos vzw, Radio Klara, ...). Frederik is currently collaborating with the University Hasselt researching material physics & biology. In 2008 he received a research grant by the VGC to explore the relationships between the arts, biotechnology and genetics. Furhermore, he’s starting up a collaboration with Unesco Flanders and the Royal Balletschool, add!ctlab, and many more.His work was exhibited at FutureSonic (United Kingdom), HiperSonica (Brazil), Foundation Vasarely (France), Roger Tator Gallery (France), Soundwalk (USA), iDAT (Singapore), Mediaruimte (Belgium), iMAL (Belgium), Okno (Belgium), Sonic City (Belgium), Insitu (Netherlands), De Brakke Grond (Netherlands), La Salle University (USA), Art Center NETWERK (Belgium), L’Agora Theater (France), University Hasselt (Belgium), .... (Selection)Frederik is collaborating frequently with LAb[au] LAboratory for Architecture and urbanism and exhibits frequently in LAb[au] MediaRuimte. In 2006 he founded The Bureau of Impure Problems which investigates the artwork and its limits, the frame, representation (...). Frederik’s videos are produced by A FALLING MAN production. Contact: [email protected]_Ars Electronica_Interactive Tokyo_Creative Corea_2007_Singapore
EOD 04Electric Organ Discharge 04
is an installation by Frederik De Wilde created in collaboration with the University Hasselt (BE). The project is a hybrid installation founded on extraordinary species of living fish that perceive, electro-sense, their environment and communicate with each other by emitting electric signals, either in pulses or waves. The project explores the normal communication mechanisms of electric fish, including JAR (the means by which a fish avoids attempts by other fish to jam its frequency) and thus investigates communication and non-communication between men and animal (interspecies communication). The discharges emitted by the fishes are midrange beta and alpha type, ranging from 8hz to 1 khz (40hz is the frequency of the brain - brain synchronicity can occur). EOD makes reference to proto-information and communication technologies like morse code and the processes of coding and decoding, jamming and jamming avoidance responses displayed by the E-fishes Machiavellian communication strategies. The potential of these particular fishes where recognized by the Ancient Egyptians as well as the Nazi’s, that optimized their communication and espionage technologies based upon the E-fishes behavior.The installation is based on one plexiglas tube presenting a specific composition of electric fish producing different electric signals. Antennas and sensors implemented in the artwork allows capturing the fishes signals which are related to two integrated speakers transforming these signals into sound, what we hear is the fish’s electric signals, their communication. A matrix of LED’s is placed above a grid of antennas pulsing according to the intensity, rhythm and position, of the emitted signals of the blind fishes. In this manner the electrical impulses of the fishes drive sound and light; an entire audio-visual space. The installation consists of living electric fish, electronics, microprocessors, compiled code, plexiglas and mixed media (measurements: 170x20x20).IMPURE Layout Impure layout