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Who, What, When, Where...20 First Survey
20 firsts - Think fast and Have Fun!
1. Who was your first love? Sam Sabaugh
2. Who was your first kiss and when? Billy Bowman, 3rd grade
3. Who was your first prom date? didn't go
4. Who was your first room mate? Kris Reickle
5. What was your first job? Friendly's Ice Cream
6. What was your first car? 1976 Mustang
7.When did you go to your first funeral? 1989
9. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? 18
10. Who was your first grade teacher? Ms. Kimmel
11. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? two years old
13. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with? went over to Sam's parents
14. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? my girlfriend, Tammy
15. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? Kelly V, yes
16. Who was the first person to send you flowers? My xhusband, Alan G.
17. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house? Brody Hall, MSU
18. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? It rotates so that I don't annoy just one person
19. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen? Karen Croci/Smith's
20. What was the first concert you wen to? The Who, Pontiac Stadium, 1979
Take this survey
Your Birthdate: March 21
You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.
Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.
People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.
You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.
Your strength: Your thirst for adventure
Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures
Your power color: Hot pink
Your power symbol: Figure eight
Your power month: March What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Planet of the Apes (Franklin J. Schaffner, 1968)
Planet of the Apes (Franklin J. Schaffner, 1968)