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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

::+:: "Someone out there was meant to be the love of your life, your best friend, your soul mate, the one you can tell your dreams to & he'll smile at you when you tell him this but he'll never laugh at your heart & he'll brush the hair out of your eyes & send you flowers when you least expect it. He'll stare at you during the movies, even though he paid $8 to see it…and you'll put his picture next to your bed and he'll call to say goodnight or just because he is thinking of you…he'll look in your eyes & tell you you're the most beautiful girl in the world, & for the first time in your life, you'll believe it…"Who I Am? This Has got to be one of the hardest questions I think most people are faced with. Do you really know who you are? I will be the first to admit that I don't! I Know The… Basics, Who I Think I Am and What I believe in, Who I'm Not, What I Want to Be…And Then I'm Left here To Weed through the Rest.Let's Get Down And Dirty With The Basics &n bsp; (( NO ORDINARY GIRL)) I'm Ella. Born And Raised Texan now in Arizona for school! 19 Going On 30!!!STEREOTYPE How Could She Know What Life Is About At 19? I Am Independent. Many People My Age And Some Even Older Don't Have This Luxury (SCRATCH THAT) Burden. I Currently Live In A Loft In Downtown Austin, And I Attend A Community College As Well As Work… I Consider Myself Different Than Other Girls…I've Gone Through A Lot And Like To Think That I'm Mature But I Can Still Have a Good Time! I've Had To Learn Responsibility At An Early Age, But I Like To Think That It All For The Better. We All Have Tough Times, Some More Than Others. I'm Trying to be strong!STEREOTYPEWow, She Must Be Easy, Let Me Try Some Pick Up Lines! I've Heard EVERY Line in The book, Don't waste your time! Working at Hooters has made me realize that men are big, walking, talking, Penis'. And for this very reason, I Am SINGLE! I have many trust issues, thus stemming from treatment from my asshole father who always walks out on me and my step father who is a pathetic excuse for a man. And of course there are the failed relationships, booty calls, married men who didn't think I would find out, and all that other hoopla!Lesson Learned: I'm VERY Smart, If You Lie To Me. I Will Find Out. If You're Playing Me, I Will Find Out. If You're an Asshole, I Will Find Out. I FIGHT BACK!What I Believe In!I've Never Done Drugs, BUT I Was Starting To Get Carried Away With Drinking. I stopped For a few months but now limit myself. One Night Of Hell Make You Realize How Some Things For Fun Just Aren't Worth It.STEREOTYPE She Must Not be Any Fun! I know how to have a GREAT Time! I Like to go to clubs and dance or get together. The whole BIG Party Scene, Its old. Too Many Times I Have Had To Run Through Woods From Cops, . NOT FUN! I try not to be judgmental on those who over indulge themselves with drinking or drugs but of course a little always comes out. It's hard to sit and watch a family who has had issues with both killers. In fact, it might make me a hypocrite because of the fact that I still drink. If im judgmental, it's because I'm worried for your safety or health.::+::In life we make choices; choices we regret--choices we admire ourselves for making, and choices for other people. It is our choices, not our abilities, that set us apart--that makes us who we are today and who we will be tomorrow. Because if today is bad and tomorrow is worse then you have to look upon your choices, not your abilities and decide which choices are making life so hard for you. [the most true thing I've heard in my life]::+::*I want To Be Remembered As The Girl Who Always Smiled, The Girl Who Always Brightened Your Day, Even I Cant Brighten My Own*Nothing Changes Until It Changes. That is a phrase I Have To Constantly Remind Myself Of. Currently I'm Not Happy With The Things In My Life Are Going. I'm Not Enjoying My College, So I'm Applying To Texas State For The Spring Semester. I'm Not Enjoying Living Alone, So I'm Either Going To Move Into Dorms Or Get A Roommate. I'm Tired Of Being Alone, So I'm Going To Find People Who Bring Nothing But Positiviety In My Life. It's All A Matter Of Time When My Life Will Be On Tract!You Cant Count On Anyone But Yourself!I Don't Have Any True Friends…It's Something That Has Taken Some Time To Realize. I'm A Person Who Enjoys My Privacy, But Could Always Use Someone To Vent To.I'm a very emotional person. BLAH!STEREOTYPE Your Negative All The Time! I Will admit to be negative, But not all the time. I tend to adapt to my surroundings. My whole life I was around negative energy. I Believe in you learn most from experience…I'm trying my hardest to change my outlook on life and to better my soul with positive energy. One benefit of living on my own is I have a chance to make myself happy…and its up to me whether or not I let people influence how i feel!What I Want To Do…My Future Ambition (Besides My Barbie Dream Of Becoming A Country Singer) I Want To be A Criminal Psychologist And Maybe Get Into The FBI. Many People Laugh When I Tell Them I'm Getting Into Psychology Because Its What Most People These Days Say Their Major Is. BUT I Don't Want To Do Some Stupid Marriage Counseling, This Is WAY More Interesting! Along Many Of The Things You Will Find In My Apartment Many Are Books On Serial Killers, Motive, Different Murders And My TV Is Always On Court TV! I Think Its Awesome. (I Swear I'm Not Weird!!!) Most girls spend all their time from age 5 planning out their perfect future. I was one of them. I want to get married by the time I'm 28 and start a family before 30. The rest is up to God!Im Trying To Live for the day to see my children open their eyes for the first time, take their first steps, learn how to read and ride a bike, have their first crush, get their heartbroken for the first time, graduate highschool graduate college, and do better than I ever could. I live for the day my mistakes help someone else….

My Interests

::+::"Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful to them."Ella LiKeS: I Dont Have A "Set" Look That I Like…If You Attract Me Then Awesome!Pretty Faces Don't get You Through Life…So I Can't Rely On That.(From Lashes To Ashes, Dust To Lust)I Don't Like The Idea of Someone Reading This And Then Trying To Conform Themselves To My Likes, Just To Get In Good With Me…So I Took Off All The Little Shit.STEREOTYPE She Just makes out with girls because “its Cool.” Yes…I Am Interested In Girls, I Wouldn't Label Me A BiSexual…I Just Say Girls Have More Fun And ARE More Fun!Things I LIKE! I Love Music, It Is GOD!, Use To Like Dr. Pepper Now Im Addicted To Sweet Tea, The Book The Lovely Bones, Chatting, Abercrombie/Hollister Clothes Mixed With My Thrift Store Tee's, The Net, Singing At The Top Of My Lungs, Dancing To Horny Music Alone In My Room, Thunderstorms, Pink, Red, White, Blue, And Purple Roses, Taking Pictures, My Cell Phone, Prayer Candles, My Guitar, My Sqishy Pillow I Sleep With, My Grey New Balance Sneakers, My UT Hat, Louie Vuiton Purse, Black Lights, Bubble Baths, Stars, Burned CD's, CHOCOLATE, Bracelets I Make, Saturdays, Concerts, Court TV, Zebra Print, Bud light, Money I Make AND MUCH MORE!What Mr. Perfect Would Be: -I Want A Best Friend/Boyfriend, My Analogy I Use For This Is Shampoo Plus Conditioner, -Polite (Opens The Car Door, Pays, Etc.) -Caring(calls, comes and sees me, gives a damn basically) -Manners(can impress my parents) -athletic(Not A Lazy Ass) -Makes Me Feel Beautiful In Any Situation -Doesn't Smoke Or Do Drugs, Occational Drinking Accepted, -Has Ambition And Supports My Own, no Matter How Far Fetched! -Good In School And or Work (Can Support Himself) -Dresses Nice/Own Style -Makes The Best Within All Situations/Good Mood -Is Open With Me (Honest, Trustworthy)/Good Listener -When Im Depressed Or Going Through Tough Times He Is There To Make Me Feel Better And Lift Up My Spirits -Gives Me Space -Non-Jealous(A Lot Of My Friends Are guys, Can U Blame Me Tho?) -Controls His Temper -Doesnt Force Anything -Likes To Be Creative With Dating -Gets Along With His parentsIf only Guys Were Made Like This?!What do I NOT like? Jealousy Is An UGLY Thing…We Are All Guilty Of It, But Dont Bring Your Jealousys To Me And Most Importantly Dont Try To Hide It. Its Obvious.Ella DiSlIkEs: Main Thing Is Lies…If You Need To Read A List And Try To Find Out What I Dont Like So You Can Act Like You Have None Of The Qualities…Then Go Somewhere Else.The Thing About Profiles Like This, Is It Takes The fun Out Of Getting To Know Person. If You Truely Care To Get to Kno Me, Im Here!Don't Pretend Like You Know What Love Is… All I Want Is Someone Real.

I'd like to meet:

anyone and everyone


AlterBridge, Thursday, The Early November, The Starting Line, The Get Up Kids,Simple Plan,flickerstick, 3 Doors Down,unsung zeros,Finch,yellowcard, rufio,GOB, Northstar, Dashboard,fairweather,AFI, Etc Etc ,Creed (Fuck Off, I Like em!), Nickelback, Graham Colton, Tantric, Staind, Seven Dust, Story Of The Year, The Used, The Ataris, The All American Rejects, Incubus, Mercy Me, Jack Johnson, Puddle Of Mudd, COUNTRY!(I Stay True To My Texas Roots)


Kill Bill, Silence of the Lambs (One DAY I will Get into the FBI!!!) Final Destination, The Ring, A Walk To Remember, The Skulls, Seven, Wrong Turn…I Love Court TV!


…Ive Been To Creed, PAT GREEN, Lonestar, Brooks And Dunn,Kevin Fowler, Billy Currington, Our Lady Peace, 3 Doors Down, Seether, Oh And Also Juvinile (Dont Ask)


-iF u LoOk iNsiDe a GirLS HeaRt u'LL SeE hOw MuCh sHe CriEs, u'LL FiNd SeCrEtS HiDDeN, BeSt FrieNdS, anD LiEs BuT WhaT uLL SeE ThE MoSt , iS HoW HaRd iT iS ToO StaY StrOng, WhEn NoThiNgS RiGht aNd EvErYtHiNgS wRoNg-

My Blog

Thank James From my Freinds List!!!!!!!!

Well James left me a comment on one of my pics and ask for more PINK. Well I know what he was asking for but I have my own Idea of PINK. I have this pair of ears i used for Halloween. I put them on...
Posted by Ella on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ok Frank Here you as You asked.. you owe me one

My friend frank when I put the pic of me before the shower asked hey take some pics in the shower.. well as kind as I am. I went and got back in the shower and risked my camara to take some pics for ...
Posted by Ella on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST