csectdivide profile picture


About Me

÷WE MIGHT AS WELL BE LIVING IN OUR CASKETS÷OBELUS BY CHOICE divided by choice..."13 broken stars"Di..vid..u..al a. 1. Divided, shared, or participated in, in common with others.Dividing 1. a. To separate into parts, sections, groups, or branches: divided the students into four groups. See Synonyms at separate. b. To sector into units of measurement; graduate: The ruler was divided into metric units. c. To separate and group according to kind; classify: divided the plants by genus. 2. a. To cause to separate into opposing factions; disunite: "They want not to divide either the Revolution or the Church but to be an integral part of both" Conor Cruise O'Brien. b. To cause (members of a parliament) to vote by separating into groups, as pro and con. 3. To separate from something else; cut off: A mountain chain divides France and Spain. 4. To apportion among a number: Volunteers divided the different jobs among themselves. See Synonyms at distribute. 5. Mathematics a. To subject (a number) to the process of division: divided 20 by 4. b. To be a divisor of: 3 divides 9. c. To use (a number) as a divisor: divided 5 into 35. v.intr. 1. a. To become separated into parts. b. To branch out, as a river. c. To form into factions; take sides: The party divided evenly on the tax issue. d. To vote by dividing. 2. Mathematics To perform the operation of division. 3. Biology To undergo cell division. n. 1. A dividing point or line: "would clearly tip the court . . . across a dangerous constitutional divide" Lawrence H. Tribe. 2. A ridge of land; a watershed.

ProJekt÷Shun (pr -j k sh n)
-- Projektshun -- 4 carbon based life forms on SOL3 communicating through electronic wavelength manipulation ...............stand by for transmission..............

My Interests


Member Since: 20/11/2004
Sounds Like: i fucked up
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

come watch me play

The Clubhouse Saturday November 14th 6 pm
Posted by on Thu, 12 Nov 2009 20:14:00 GMT

Killing Eve

These guys are going to rock your socks off !!!
Posted by on Sat, 26 May 2007 07:28:00 GMT

Projekt Shun

Sat May 15th at the phix see www.myspace.com/bandsongrand   Pre-Sale wristbands are now available for $10 at The Trunk Space and The Paper Heart. Day-of-Show wristbands will be available at all 1...
Posted by on Mon, 07 May 2007 15:54:00 GMT

creation of csectdivide

(1999) 1 physical being + 1 sacred friendship + SIN led to a "denial of rights" a breach of friendship led to a "Projekt Shun" against myself .... re/mapping ones being and bringing forth "Dead Forgiv...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 18:26:00 GMT

ramble... two things

1 Matter doesnt exist .... what is distance without time    matter could'nt exist  .... here on the other side  ....   (lyrics csectdivide /TTLG fragmented Iris 2001  Jor...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 18:34:00 GMT